There is no scripture in the world that does not accept that there is only one Supreme Creator of all that exists. The only difference is that some explain away polytheism as if God has an administrative structure similar to our mundane ways of ruling ourselves. There are really no pagans in this world! Replace their many gods and spirits with angels and prophets, you will notice for the first time that you have the same result; One God, One Created Universe and therefore One Human Family.
We are all his sons and daughters; possessing same blood chemistry, similar genetically encoded ACGT helix in our genes, same genus and species in biological classification, albeit with varied facial differentiations and skin colour, but, we have same anatomy and physiology such that we mate and produce human babies that are similar, not monsters! Laughter, crying and singing are international languages, which all our children speak without being tutored by any person. The Almighty is their professor!
Anger, fear, hatred, depression and sorrow are human emotions The Ultimate Designer made to be innate in us and these have no racial boundaries. Conception, gestation and birth are exactly the same as well modalities of dying due to accidents, diseases or old age. What else does any intelligent being need to prove that all humans are equal at birth, but differentiations arise due to parentage, geographical locations, education and inherited or achieved social statuses occasioned by opportunities each one experiences in both clement and inclement weather, dissimilar internal and external environments or differing atmospheric temperatures and pressures!
Interracial squabbles are man-made! The non-partisan global events we organise like the World Cups and Beauty Pageants confirm the evident fact that we are all children of one Omnipotent Father and could live as one human family amicably. International scientific discoveries and inventions; cellular phones, computers and digital cameras all of us use passionately prove that all mankind can live in peace. These gadgets do not discriminate between racial differences, social statuses or religious affiliations of their users! Or do they? If they do not, then, let us eschew ethnocentric bias, prejudice and parochialism. The multiplication of faiths, denominations and churches are the handiwork of the descendants of the Evil One known by various names in varying cultures. Let us wake up from centuries of hypnotic enslavement and justify our claim to the appellation: HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENTIS! Ultimately, what we need is to go back and imitate Patriarch Enoch recorded in all scriptures as the first human that was taken up to be with the Creator lest he be corrupted by other immoral peers of his time!
· The affirmative statements in the KENEZIAN CREED as were dictated by the Holy Spirit of the Creator to his humble vessel; Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez is our code of conduct.
· If you want to join us, read and evaluate the universality of each line. Query any that you find obscure. Meditate on each sentence. Analyse each paragraph or stanza.
· If you are still interested after two weeks studying them then you can apply to be a bond-fide member of ISM; meaning; Integrational Spiritan Movement, and on admission append; FRCC; meaning; Fellow Raftional children of the Creator; to your name in all your future correspondences.
· Do you know you are mortal? Do you accept we were/are all created by a Supreme Being? Are you a rational being who enjoys the current computer age and its technologies? Are you objective in your perceptions of events and people? Can you detach yourself from ethnic stereotypes and speak for all mankind?
· If you can answer YES to half of these basic questions, then you can apply for membership of FRCC,
Many post-colonised people are still enslaved by the imported belief systems and religious traditions of their erstwhile colonial masters. They may seem to have gained political independence, yet they are enslaved in their minds, especially by dogmas and doctrines theorised, developed and patented by foreigners. Prominent among these are the two major religions of the world; Christianity and Islam. Syncretism, sectarianisms and denominationalism compound the sad state of bigotry they entail. This dissertation provides pragmatic alternatives that are inter-ethnic, integrational and international. These and other psychopathological nuances like fanaticism, mysticism and esotericism are the evils of dogmatic religions addressed by this natural theologian, a medical scientist, a consultant clinical psychologist, an existential therapist and quintessentially a Research Psychometrician.
Religion was/is a superstitious search by humanity for its origin, existence, meaning and relevance before the scientific era. The search was led by acclaimed sages among the elders of a community who defined its theories and practices. It is later ratified and recommended for legislation and implementation by state apparatus by convincing stratagem or coercion by politico-religious leaders. Thereafter, it is fine-tuned and administered by ordained priests and priestesses who hand it down along ancestral lineages from one generation of lukewarm adherents, fanatics and mystics to another. Gradually, strong personalities emerge claiming divine appointment and so pull strong followers who idolise them as role models with supernatural powers. This obsession confirms them as beacons of adulation and finally leads to full-scale idolatry.
Inspect my other definition of the same concept that is more existential.
Religion, which is superstition sanctioned by the state, is actually an addiction to man-made doctrines and dogmas invented, patented and copyrighted by a few demagogues.
· It enslaves the mind more than psychoactive drugs,
· Benumbs human creativity and resourcefulness thereby
· Restricting the development of the human potential and capital.
It is the main cause of poverty of the mind and underdevelopment of third world countries as its side-effects are indolence, redundancy, laziness and dependence of finished products and services. In the final analysis, it is the predisposing factor to lack of initiative, debilitating ignorance, fetish belief-systems, abject poverty and perennial ill-health.
Perhaps it’s only advantage is that it makes the polity docile and amenable to the whims and caprices of their oppressive leaders. Often, it hoodwinks its adherents into believing that ‘The God’ or ‘the gods’ they worship speak to them through the voices of their egocentric clerics who therefore can conveniently exploit them to satisfy their demonic desires of sensual pleasure and inordinate ambitions of amassing wealth. Their wanton indulgence in gluttony, wine and women is seen in every action and definitely this is the foolproof evidence of their demonic genealogy.

Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez,
The Vessel of the Holy Spirit of God, the Creator of the Universe
International Animator of Integrational Spiritan Movement (ISM)
Composed from 11th March 1990 to Monday 30/08/2010 @ 02:08:28 HRS GMT.
I once met three philosophers arguing about the nature of God. The Christian theologian among them insisted on the Trinitarian doctrine, the Oriental Christian emphasised that the Holy Spirit proceeded only from the Father whereas the Roman Christian argued that the Holy Spirit proceeded from both the Father and the Son! I laughed at them. They got angry. In unison, they demanded to know why I was laughing them to scorn. I said,“Why not bother yourselves about the things in the world that you can comprehend? Leave God alone!” One of them interjected, “Why do you say that, are you wiser than the Holy Church fathers and the great theologians that handed down these doctrines?”
“Thank you very much for being truthful. You just called them ‘doctrines’ and that’s exactly what they are! You can’t arrive at any meaningful conclusion in your argument since all we can ever know or say about him is, “God exists!” And what that really means is this: “God is the Almighty Being that created everything that exists in the universe. Anything else anybody says or we say is puerile, futile and simply mundane guesswork!” I concluded.
In I S M we do not theorise about what we have no existential answers that can satisfy human reasoning! We limit ourselves to provable and rational concepts, no mysteries, no dogmas and no doctrines. You are very welcome to disproving anything we posit, provided you can defend your position convincingly and carry along seventy-five per cent of humankind. We are okay!
I S M is on a rescue mission to liberate those who desire independence from the shackles of dogmatism and indoctrination, ISM only requires those who are willing and rational enough to think for themselves to apply simple logic and arrive at certain basic universal truths devoid of intellectual enslavements. Double-faced Christians now abound everywhere; they worship Satan at night and come to church on Sundays! This lifestyle has eroded the credentials of our forebears! There is now, an urgent need to redeem our children from these nefarious practices! We must revert to the legacies of our renowned grandfathers, improve on it and bequeath the next generation a better religious legacy than we had!
The theory and practice of Kenezianism started in 1970, at the end of the civil war when its originator Major Kenechukwu Nzeogwu Mbaezue; BA/ 6532, of the Degema Strike Force, 12th Commando Brigade, Biafra, returned from the war front! He felt shattered by the final outcome of the fratricidal debacle of three years. “Why did we lose the war of survival? Should Nigeria the aggressor defeat us the victims of their cruel and premeditated pogroms? Of what use were the prayers to a god that never answered us? Or did our leaders commit unpardonable war crimes or indulge in sacrilegious absurdities? Is the Muslim religion more authentic and reliable than Christianity? If yes, then let us join them and go on pilgrimages to Mecca!”
Finding answers to these existential questions drove the young war veteran crazy. He could not comprehend how an unjust war ended in favour of the aggressors. For him it meant that we wasted all our time and youthfulness in the war fronts praying to the God of Christians! He truly deserved veritable explanations! He withdrew from all religious engagement for a period of ten consecutive years, from 1970 to 1980. That gave him enough time to reflect on some existential questions about all he had learnt from the Christian missionaries that moulded his early life in the junior and senior seminaries.
There arose the need for him to re-evaluate his belief system, moderate his scrupulous orientation to social life and thereafter, formulate a realistic code of conduct that could guarantee his survival in the conflicting world of the Nigerian society he found himself trapped in! He lived as a war captive for the next 30 years! Within this period, he fully practised the introverted meditative lifestyle of Viktor Frankl or that detached life of a research scientist reminiscent of the great Austrian monk geneticist, Macgregor Mendel.
1. Read the KENEZIAN CREED and see for yourself whether the truths catalogued there apply to all beings on planet earth.
2. Study DR KENEZ LETTER TO TEACHERS OF HIS CHILDREN and evaluate the universality of the ethics enshrined in the stanzas.
3. Meditate on each stanza of the ANIMATOR’S UNIVERSAL PRAYER and see the depth of humility and devotion therein.
4. Rationalise the contents of TEN FOUNDATION VERSES OF THE ANIMATOR OF INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT and gain sublime and metapyhsical wisdom.
5. Finally, analyse the principles of equality of all races of mankind contained in HARMONISATION OF YOUTH SOCIALISATION;
If these inspired treatises do not eventually open your eyes to the futility of racial discriminations and the ethnocentric bigotry embedded in dogmatic religions, then you are lost to both natural and divine knowledge accessible by individual thought, altruistic deductions and clear rationalisations. You are either a yahoo, a moron a fanatic or a misguided mystic!
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Suggest multi-dimensional songs that can assist members internationalise I S M tenets during international conventions, devotional ceremonies and liturgical practices:
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