The demons that created celibacy did!
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue,
on 30/06/2016 @ 13:55:46 HRS GMT
If monogamous marriage was decreed by nature,
then a husband’s gonads should naturally be on holidays or off-duty or take a leave
of absence from producing spermatozoa or even initiating erections when his
only wife is nursing a baby! . . . QED!!
Therefore, my thesis is that the Almighty
Creator of all Hominoids did not design, decree nor ordain the inhumane contraption
of spouse limitations!
The early notorious Church Fathers and the
deceitful Roman celibates, their partners in crime did in order to monopolise
all the leftovers in their congregations!
And to date, they still are having a field day
on all the spinsters and widows in the Roman Catholic Congregation worldwide!! ” Rev. Prof. J. J.
Kenez, 2016
For all wise men who had the privilege of reading
decades ago that produced the first Pope Emeritus in 500 years in Catholic
Church history, it is obvious that this dissertation is merely its long awaited
corollary! Therefore, if you are capable, able and ready for the flight, let us
take off! If you have not, return to base!
Are Parading As Indigenous Priests Whereas They Are Foreign Stooges
There has been a retinue of charlatans in every profession in the world since the agricultural perspectives that Cain, the farmer and Abel, the shepherd introduced to the rest of humanity if the biblical legends and/or religious fables are worth their whiles! What is indigenous in a half-baked cleric who does not realise that he is only a pawn in the chessboard of Roman Sacredotal Nationals that have dominated the scene in Christendom since the Constantinian misadventure of bastardising the true ‘Good News of the Lord Jesus’ with the Mithranism era of Roman idolatry? For 500 years the baton of Papacy had always been handed over to only Roman citizens until lately, when Pope John Paul I was poisoned to death by fellow cardinals contesting for the throne of the Roman Catholic Papacy! Pope John Paul II surfaced as a belated consensus candidate. To date the reconciliatory position of the late Pope has not been accepted by hardcore Roman Theologians who see the throne as their birthright! When can other nations produce Popes as in past centuries? Was Jesus a native of Rome? Why has the Papacy continued to operate from Rome, whereas the birthplace of Jesus was/is Nazareth or Bethlehem? Why Muslims go to Mecca and Medina is obvious! When, therefore, shall Christians all over the world, especially Roman Catholics, become as reasonable as Muslims?
Take a cue from the Roman Catholic Priests of African descent who, to date , do not realise that the elite members of their congregations see them merely as the ‘Matthews’ and ‘Zaccheaeus’ of our times. To date, without being conscious of their neo-colonial roles in destroying our authentic cultural heritage; they are the errand boys of Roman Christian Imperialism and gradually events they stage-manage in the name of the Papacy reveal they are nothing but saboteurs in the overall panoroma of genuine religiosity in the land of our birth!The desecration of our ancient taboos (nso ala) and bastardisation of the authentic norms and mores of our pristine holy ancestors is the remote cause of religious apathy among the politicians and youths of today! Some of our ‘been-to’ clerics revel in the moral decadence they learnt at the various European countries they are sent to study and only return to corrupt the few upright clerics who they consider naive and inexperienced because they hold on to the sacred vows they took at their ordinations! These nonchallant ‘tax collectors’ or AMC for Roman Theologians and their Religious Imperialists should be halted. It is better we have a few priests who can sanctify our parishes than a long retinue of Satan’s disciples hiding under the cloak of Roman Catholic Clergy while leading the whole congregation to hell. The time to call a spade by its real name is now! I am only blowing the whistle early enough so that our lovely children and generations yet unborn will not end up as demons in hellfire, if what we are brainwashed to believe as doctrines and dogmas really exist!
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, AGUNABU UMUELCHI BIAFRA.
This is an up-date on the original diatribe entitled “ GRADUATES OF SATAN’S UNIVERSITY” that the enthusiastic or avid reader can find at my other websites:
Are Parading As Indigenous Priests Whereas They Are Foreign Stooges
There has been a retinue of charlatans in every profession in the world since the agricultural perspectives that Cain, the farmer and Abel, the shepherd introduced to the rest of humanity if the biblical legends and/or religious fables are worth their whiles! What is indigenous in a half-baked cleric who does not realise that he is only a pawn in the chessboard of Roman Sacredotal Nationals that have dominated the scene in Christendom since the Constantinian misadventure of bastardising the true ‘Good News of the Lord Jesus’ with the Mithranism era of Roman idolatry? For 500 years the baton of Papacy had always been handed over to only Roman citizens until lately, when Pope John Paul I was poisoned to death by fellow cardinals contesting for the throne of the Roman Catholic Papacy! Pope John Paul II surfaced as a belated consensus candidate. To date the reconciliatory position of the late Pope has not been accepted by hardcore Roman Theologians who see the throne as their birthright! When can other nations produce Popes as in past centuries? Was Jesus a native of Rome? Why has the Papacy continued to operate from Rome, whereas the birthplace of Jesus was/is Nazareth or Bethlehem? Why Muslims go to Mecca and Medina is obvious! When, therefore, shall Christians all over the world, especially Roman Catholics, become as reasonable as Muslims?
Take a cue from the Roman Catholic Priests of African descent who, to date , do not realise that the elite members of their congregations see them merely as the ‘Matthews’ and ‘Zaccheaeus’ of our times. To date, without being conscious of their neo-colonial roles in destroying our authentic cultural heritage; they are the errand boys of Roman Christian Imperialism and gradually events they stage-manage in the name of the Papacy reveal they are nothing but saboteurs in the overall panoroma of genuine religiosity in the land of our birth!The desecration of our ancient taboos (nso ala) and bastardisation of the authentic norms and mores of our pristine holy ancestors is the remote cause of religious apathy among the politicians and youths of today! Some of our ‘been-to’ clerics revel in the moral decadence they learnt at the various European countries they are sent to study and only return to corrupt the few upright clerics who they consider naive and inexperienced because they hold on to the sacred vows they took at their ordinations! These nonchallant ‘tax collectors’ or AMC for Roman Theologians and their Religious Imperialists should be halted. It is better we have a few priests who can sanctify our parishes than a long retinue of Satan’s disciples hiding under the cloak of Roman Catholic Clergy while leading the whole congregation to hell. The time to call a spade by its real name is now! I am only blowing the whistle early enough so that our lovely children and generations yet unborn will not end up as demons in hellfire, if what we are brainwashed to believe as doctrines and dogmas really exist!
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, AGUNABU UMUELCHI BIAFRA.
This is an up-date on the original diatribe entitled “ GRADUATES OF SATAN’S UNIVERSITY” that the enthusiastic or avid reader can find at my other websites:


Danmbaezue Jideofo Kenechukwu <>
11:23 PM (0 minutes ago)
to amanpour, ambaezue, holladanb, bodogdanbee, shizzlebabie, saintkenez,
bcc: Eloka, bcc: jokoroha34
Dear Amanpour,
I have been your fan for a decade now. Your coverage of the Desert Storm spotlighted your courage and prowess in battle fields and naturally as a retired Commando Officer and a Flight Lieutenant, those herculean jobs you did very creditably endeared you to my admiration.
I am not a public figure by any nuances of the terminology, but if you really want a million dollar scoop on the main reason the last Pope stepped aside, I will give it, but not for free.
Below are just a few excerpts from the ultimate article that he meditated on for three months before he made up his mind to RESIGN HONOURABLY.
"There has been a retinue of charlatans in every profession in the world since the agricultural perspectives that Cain, the farmer and Abel, the shepherd introduced to the rest of humanity if the biblical legends and/or religious fables are worth their whiles! What is indigenous in a half-baked cleric who does not realise that he is only a pawn in the chessboard of Roman Sacerdotal Nationals that have dominated the scene in Christendom since the Constantine misadventure of bastardising the true ‘Good News of the Lord Jesus’ with the Mithraism era of Roman idolatry? For 500 years the baton of Papacy had always been handed over to only Roman citizens until lately, when Pope John Paul I was poisoned to death by fellow cardinals contesting for the throne of the Roman Catholic Papacy! Pope John Paul II surfaced as a belated consensus candidate. To date the reconciliatory position of the late Pope has not been accepted by hardcore Roman Theologians who see the throne as their birthright! When can other nations produce Popes as in past centuries? Was Jesus a native of Rome? Why has the Papacy continued to operate from Rome, whereas the birthplace of Jesus was/is Nazareth or Bethlehem? Why Muslims go to Mecca and Medina is obvious! When, therefore, shall Christians all over the world, especially Roman Catholics, become as reasonable as Muslims?"
I usually write in Queen's English, what You who live in America prefer to label 'English UK' AND I AM HAPPY TO NOTE FOR THE FIRST TIME THAT YOU’RE A BRITISH CITIZEN BY BIRTH AND MARRIAGE.
There was a time when Catholic Reverend Fathers and Reverend Sisters on missionary services in this country were really admired, respected and idolised! That was in my teens when the Late Bishop Shanahan was still an ordinary priest! Rev. Fr. Bindel was the Parish Priest of Ihiala, then a very large area extending as far away as Emekuku, Orlu and Oguta! They rode long distances on Hercules bicycles carrying out their evangelistic duties. They trekked most of the time and made converts by using the very few semi-literate natives as their interpreters!
These interpreters were later promoted to Catechists and soon wielded much power! They taught pagans catechism classes in the vernacular language and only those they certified as having passed their examinations were baptised. They stood between every catechumen and the sacraments of baptism, confession, confirmation, matrimony and even the irregular reception of the Holy Eucharist! You could neither see any Rev. Fr. nor receive any of these sacraments without greasing their palms! No girls or women ever came close to the parish houses, not to mention having handshakes with any priest!
The Rev. Sisters wore sparkling ankle-length white gowns and their head-gear with a tall hood and overflowing veils covered every part of their heads except for just the outline of their faces. I never saw their ears! To us little urchins at the turn of the century, they were angels. After all the pictures in our catechism classes were made of white skins. They were all white women. We never dreamt that we would, in later years, have our own black sisters and daughters qualified to become Rev. Sisters. No one ever imagined that a black skinned woman could ever be dressed like these white angels. These angels were our earliest teachers, nurses, midwives and doctors. They ran the few mission schools and hospitals that were then in existence at Ihiala and Emekuku. We adored and loved them for their motherly care but, at the same time, we hated their injection needles!
We were told that both the priests and nuns were virgins. It was even rumoured that they had no sexual parts to their bodies. They were ‘castrated’ was the naïve belief that made the rumour rounds then! We assumed that the nuns had neither breasts nor large buttocks like our mothers and aunts! How were we to find out? The priests were covered all over with their flowing white soutanes that they never put off in our presence. “Did they ever urinate or defecate?” we wondered! I never saw any of them in short knickers although I was a mass server for several years at St Martin’s Parish, Odo-ata Ihiala, now in Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State. In addition, we never saw the ears, necks and feet of the nuns. During clinical attendance they wore gloves, so we were partially denied seeing their hands and fingers. “Did these ladies know how to cook?” we pondered!
That the priests were chaste and the nuns, virgins, were assumed! We never saw the priests and nuns chat together, hug each other or stroll along any road side by side. They were discreet and circumspect. They were conscious of their vows of celibacy and public image knowing that they were continuously being watched day and night. So, they never scandalised us nor gave us the chance to suspect them! That was in the early 1930s and 1940s. We gradually began to notice that many nuns went on leaves that were termed “annual” and understood why some others that lasted beyond twelve months were termed “sudden”, “casual” or “sick.” Soon, our own sons and daughters were admitted into seminaries and convents. By the 1950s, some were ordained and professed respectively. This first set never scandalised us! We never suspected that they could lower the standards set by these missionary white angels! That was before the Nigeria-Biafra civil war that lasted from 1967 to 1970. The wind blew strongly so the hen’s anus was clearly seen by all!
All that changed as the scales fell off our eyes. Our religious blinkers were forcibly removed by what we saw during the civil war at the few Caritas Feeding Centres that we naturally located within the parish premises. We saw a lot. Some printable, others not whisper-able! Promiscuity was the mildest term for describing what the refugee women described as own contributions to the war effort! Our clergymen and women were the butt of their sexual exploits as relief items like stockfish, egg-yolk and milk were exchanged for amorous relationships. Some wore the glamorous foreign dresses donated by CARITAS & WCC that were meant for homeless refugees that left their wardrobes behind!
“Have they also eaten the forbidden fruit” was the mildest joke about what we knew was happening at our local parishes. There was a conspiracy of silence by all the culprits!
“If clerical celibacy has out-lived its usefulness, what is the need of clinging tenaciously to it? This is an absurdity on the part of the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy”. In medical language, it is giving a wrong diagnosis while a sick patient is in a comatose state! Alternatively, shall we take it that the Church Fathers support the numerous sex scandals rocking the boat? Or, has it become so insensitive to the evidence of cases of paedophilia in USA, of lesbian and homosexual relationships reported in the mass media and so many incidences of promiscuity in other parts of the globe and that warrants our “separated brethren” laughing us to scorn? Why has the Pope and the Cardinals turned their eyes the other way? Are they neck deep in these scandals themselves? Probably it is a case of those living in glass houses not throwing stones at each other? They are blind pastors leading the faithful!
Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, had prophesied about them when he compared them to the religious leaders of his time. He reiterated that they were hypocrites that devoured the homes of widows. He labelled them, “white sepulchres, which on the outside looked clean but were rotten and decaying on the inside.” Anyone who deceptively takes a vow of celibacy and deliberately violates it regularly without any pricks of the conscience is a demon and definitely a disciple of Satan! That is why we refer to them as ‘Postgraduates of Satan’s University.’ They are candidates for hellfire and they will lead as many of us as they can to the same place. They are only working for their master, Lucifer! Listen to what Jesus Christ said about such hypocrites who take false vows in the New Testament account of Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 23, vv. 25 - 28:
“How terrible for you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You clean the outside of your cup and plate, while the inside is full of what you have obtained by violence and selfishness. Blind Pharisee! Clean what is inside the cup first, and then the outside will be clean too! “How terrible for you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look fine on the outside but are full of bones and decaying corpses on the inside. In the same way, on the outside you appear good to everybody, but on the inside, you are full of hypocrisy and sins.”
My dear false clerics; does anyone need an interpretation for those simple statements of facts? What does a tomb covered with tiles look like theses days? Sparkling White! Suppose you dig up the contents after three months of burying a human corpse in it, what will you find inside? Dry bones, the skull, nails, hairs, the teeth and may be some decaying flesh!
There are many clerics and nuns, otherwise referred to as Rev. Fathers and Rev. Sisters, including those that have been elevated to Monsignors, Mother Generals, Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals in the Roman Catholic hierarchy that should summon courage and leave gracefully before the youths of our Global Village forcibly remove them from their pecuniary, parasitic, sycophantic and adulterous lifestyles. There are no jobs in the labour market worldwide and so those who successfully pretended to have had vocations all through their training periods till they are ordained celebrate their evil success and then they continue to live false lives with impunity!
No one spits out sugar when it has already entered the mouth! Free housing, free cars, free televisions, free dresses, free toiletries as well as free food, free sex e.t.c.
These crafty tortoises in our native stories! They think they are smart! WHY?
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue a.k.a. Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez
This ex-seminarian capped ‘Rt. Rev. Bishop Echipu’ at the Diamond Jubilee of All Hallows Seminary, Onitsha is begging clerics to resign honourably than staying put and scandalising the youths in our parishes and other youth fellowships worldwide!
I am using my Gmail account to exclude scammers as the rate of cyber crime is high in this God-forsaken corrupt Nigeria. My Yahoo-mail Account reads;
More details when you find time for the full scoop on the diatribes I penned that convinced Pope Benedict to throw in the towel. If you do not need it, just keep mute for 48 hours only and then you will hear it on BBC, the original station I had wanted to send it.
Danmbaezue Jideofo Kenechukwu <>
11:23 PM (0 minutes ago)
to amanpour, ambaezue, holladanb, bodogdanbee, shizzlebabie, saintkenez,
bcc: Eloka, bcc: jokoroha34
Dear Amanpour,
I have been your fan for a decade now. Your coverage of the Desert Storm spotlighted your courage and prowess in battle fields and naturally as a retired Commando Officer and a Flight Lieutenant, those herculean jobs you did very creditably endeared you to my admiration.
I am not a public figure by any nuances of the terminology, but if you really want a million dollar scoop on the main reason the last Pope stepped aside, I will give it, but not for free.
Below are just a few excerpts from the ultimate article that he meditated on for three months before he made up his mind to RESIGN HONOURABLY.
"There has been a retinue of charlatans in every profession in the world since the agricultural perspectives that Cain, the farmer and Abel, the shepherd introduced to the rest of humanity if the biblical legends and/or religious fables are worth their whiles! What is indigenous in a half-baked cleric who does not realise that he is only a pawn in the chessboard of Roman Sacerdotal Nationals that have dominated the scene in Christendom since the Constantine misadventure of bastardising the true ‘Good News of the Lord Jesus’ with the Mithraism era of Roman idolatry? For 500 years the baton of Papacy had always been handed over to only Roman citizens until lately, when Pope John Paul I was poisoned to death by fellow cardinals contesting for the throne of the Roman Catholic Papacy! Pope John Paul II surfaced as a belated consensus candidate. To date the reconciliatory position of the late Pope has not been accepted by hardcore Roman Theologians who see the throne as their birthright! When can other nations produce Popes as in past centuries? Was Jesus a native of Rome? Why has the Papacy continued to operate from Rome, whereas the birthplace of Jesus was/is Nazareth or Bethlehem? Why Muslims go to Mecca and Medina is obvious! When, therefore, shall Christians all over the world, especially Roman Catholics, become as reasonable as Muslims?"
I usually write in Queen's English, what You who live in America prefer to label 'English UK' AND I AM HAPPY TO NOTE FOR THE FIRST TIME THAT YOU’RE A BRITISH CITIZEN BY BIRTH AND MARRIAGE.
There was a time when Catholic Reverend Fathers and Reverend Sisters on missionary services in this country were really admired, respected and idolised! That was in my teens when the Late Bishop Shanahan was still an ordinary priest! Rev. Fr. Bindel was the Parish Priest of Ihiala, then a very large area extending as far away as Emekuku, Orlu and Oguta! They rode long distances on Hercules bicycles carrying out their evangelistic duties. They trekked most of the time and made converts by using the very few semi-literate natives as their interpreters!
These interpreters were later promoted to Catechists and soon wielded much power! They taught pagans catechism classes in the vernacular language and only those they certified as having passed their examinations were baptised. They stood between every catechumen and the sacraments of baptism, confession, confirmation, matrimony and even the irregular reception of the Holy Eucharist! You could neither see any Rev. Fr. nor receive any of these sacraments without greasing their palms! No girls or women ever came close to the parish houses, not to mention having handshakes with any priest!
The Rev. Sisters wore sparkling ankle-length white gowns and their head-gear with a tall hood and overflowing veils covered every part of their heads except for just the outline of their faces. I never saw their ears! To us little urchins at the turn of the century, they were angels. After all the pictures in our catechism classes were made of white skins. They were all white women. We never dreamt that we would, in later years, have our own black sisters and daughters qualified to become Rev. Sisters. No one ever imagined that a black skinned woman could ever be dressed like these white angels. These angels were our earliest teachers, nurses, midwives and doctors. They ran the few mission schools and hospitals that were then in existence at Ihiala and Emekuku. We adored and loved them for their motherly care but, at the same time, we hated their injection needles!
We were told that both the priests and nuns were virgins. It was even rumoured that they had no sexual parts to their bodies. They were ‘castrated’ was the naïve belief that made the rumour rounds then! We assumed that the nuns had neither breasts nor large buttocks like our mothers and aunts! How were we to find out? The priests were covered all over with their flowing white soutanes that they never put off in our presence. “Did they ever urinate or defecate?” we wondered! I never saw any of them in short knickers although I was a mass server for several years at St Martin’s Parish, Odo-ata Ihiala, now in Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State. In addition, we never saw the ears, necks and feet of the nuns. During clinical attendance they wore gloves, so we were partially denied seeing their hands and fingers. “Did these ladies know how to cook?” we pondered!
That the priests were chaste and the nuns, virgins, were assumed! We never saw the priests and nuns chat together, hug each other or stroll along any road side by side. They were discreet and circumspect. They were conscious of their vows of celibacy and public image knowing that they were continuously being watched day and night. So, they never scandalised us nor gave us the chance to suspect them! That was in the early 1930s and 1940s. We gradually began to notice that many nuns went on leaves that were termed “annual” and understood why some others that lasted beyond twelve months were termed “sudden”, “casual” or “sick.” Soon, our own sons and daughters were admitted into seminaries and convents. By the 1950s, some were ordained and professed respectively. This first set never scandalised us! We never suspected that they could lower the standards set by these missionary white angels! That was before the Nigeria-Biafra civil war that lasted from 1967 to 1970. The wind blew strongly so the hen’s anus was clearly seen by all!
All that changed as the scales fell off our eyes. Our religious blinkers were forcibly removed by what we saw during the civil war at the few Caritas Feeding Centres that we naturally located within the parish premises. We saw a lot. Some printable, others not whisper-able! Promiscuity was the mildest term for describing what the refugee women described as own contributions to the war effort! Our clergymen and women were the butt of their sexual exploits as relief items like stockfish, egg-yolk and milk were exchanged for amorous relationships. Some wore the glamorous foreign dresses donated by CARITAS & WCC that were meant for homeless refugees that left their wardrobes behind!
“Have they also eaten the forbidden fruit” was the mildest joke about what we knew was happening at our local parishes. There was a conspiracy of silence by all the culprits!
“If clerical celibacy has out-lived its usefulness, what is the need of clinging tenaciously to it? This is an absurdity on the part of the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy”. In medical language, it is giving a wrong diagnosis while a sick patient is in a comatose state! Alternatively, shall we take it that the Church Fathers support the numerous sex scandals rocking the boat? Or, has it become so insensitive to the evidence of cases of paedophilia in USA, of lesbian and homosexual relationships reported in the mass media and so many incidences of promiscuity in other parts of the globe and that warrants our “separated brethren” laughing us to scorn? Why has the Pope and the Cardinals turned their eyes the other way? Are they neck deep in these scandals themselves? Probably it is a case of those living in glass houses not throwing stones at each other? They are blind pastors leading the faithful!
Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, had prophesied about them when he compared them to the religious leaders of his time. He reiterated that they were hypocrites that devoured the homes of widows. He labelled them, “white sepulchres, which on the outside looked clean but were rotten and decaying on the inside.” Anyone who deceptively takes a vow of celibacy and deliberately violates it regularly without any pricks of the conscience is a demon and definitely a disciple of Satan! That is why we refer to them as ‘Postgraduates of Satan’s University.’ They are candidates for hellfire and they will lead as many of us as they can to the same place. They are only working for their master, Lucifer! Listen to what Jesus Christ said about such hypocrites who take false vows in the New Testament account of Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 23, vv. 25 - 28:
“How terrible for you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You clean the outside of your cup and plate, while the inside is full of what you have obtained by violence and selfishness. Blind Pharisee! Clean what is inside the cup first, and then the outside will be clean too! “How terrible for you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look fine on the outside but are full of bones and decaying corpses on the inside. In the same way, on the outside you appear good to everybody, but on the inside, you are full of hypocrisy and sins.”
My dear false clerics; does anyone need an interpretation for those simple statements of facts? What does a tomb covered with tiles look like theses days? Sparkling White! Suppose you dig up the contents after three months of burying a human corpse in it, what will you find inside? Dry bones, the skull, nails, hairs, the teeth and may be some decaying flesh!
There are many clerics and nuns, otherwise referred to as Rev. Fathers and Rev. Sisters, including those that have been elevated to Monsignors, Mother Generals, Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals in the Roman Catholic hierarchy that should summon courage and leave gracefully before the youths of our Global Village forcibly remove them from their pecuniary, parasitic, sycophantic and adulterous lifestyles. There are no jobs in the labour market worldwide and so those who successfully pretended to have had vocations all through their training periods till they are ordained celebrate their evil success and then they continue to live false lives with impunity!
No one spits out sugar when it has already entered the mouth! Free housing, free cars, free televisions, free dresses, free toiletries as well as free food, free sex e.t.c.
These crafty tortoises in our native stories! They think they are smart! WHY?
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue a.k.a. Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez
This ex-seminarian capped ‘Rt. Rev. Bishop Echipu’ at the Diamond Jubilee of All Hallows Seminary, Onitsha is begging clerics to resign honourably than staying put and scandalising the youths in our parishes and other youth fellowships worldwide!
I am using my Gmail account to exclude scammers as the rate of cyber crime is high in this God-forsaken corrupt Nigeria. My Yahoo-mail Account reads;
More details when you find time for the full scoop on the diatribes I penned that convinced Pope Benedict to throw in the towel. If you do not need it, just keep mute for 48 hours only and then you will hear it on BBC, the original station I had wanted to send it.