The Untold Story
The Untold Story


Table Of Contents
Dangerous To Your Health Scientific Unraveling Shyster Science Fraudulent Science Deadly Lies Reactionary Politics
Sign Of The Times The Real Genocide Sexually Transmitted Diseases And Drugs Criminal Negligence Fight The Power

AIDS has an uncanny knack for attacking people the dominant society considers "undesirables": gays, injection drug users (IDUs), prisoners, and people of color. The commonly cited US statistic that African Americans have twice the AIDS rate as white Americans understates the problem because it is based on the total number of cases since 1981. While white gay men constituted the large majority of cases in the early days, by the early 1990s the rate of new cases among Latinos was 2.5 times higher than among whites, and the black/ white ratio was even starker at 5-1 for men and 15-1 for women. By 1993, AIDS had become the leading cause of death among African Americans between the ages of 25 and 44. Internationally, the racial disparity is even worse: About 80 percent of the world's 9 million AIDS deaths through 1995 have occurred in Africa, where 2 million children have already been orphaned.

The correlation between AIDS and social and economic oppression is clear and powerful. What is more, the pattern meshes neatly with an extensive history of chemical and biological warfare (CBW) and medical experiments which have targeted people of color, Third World populations, prisoners, and other unsuspecting individuals. In the first North American example of CBW, early European settlers used smallpox infected blankets as a weapon of genocide against Native Americans. A few centuries later, the US Army conducted hundreds of tests that released "harmless" bacteria, viruses, and other agents in populated areas; one was to determine how a fungal agent thought mainly to affect black people would spread. Washington also subsidized the pre marketing tests of birth control pills before a safe dosage was determined on Puerto Rican and Haitian women who were not warned of the potentially severe side effects. Since the 1940s, the US has conducted 154 tests on 9,000 people, soldiers, mental patients, prisoners many of whom had no idea of the risks involved. On another level, the drug plague in the ghettos and barrios whether by intent or not has the effect of chemical warfare against these communities.

The most apposite example is the four decade long Tuskegee syphilis study. Starting in 1932, under US Public Health Service auspices, about 400 black men in rural Alabama were subjects in an experiment on the effects of untreated syphilis. They were never told the nature of their condition or that they could infect their wives and children. Although penicillin, which became available in the 1940s, was the standard of treatment for syphilis by 1951, researchers not only withheld treatment but forbade the men from seeking help elsewhere. This shameful "experiment" was stopped in 1972, only after a federal health worker who was involved blew the whistle. Nor is experimentation on people of color a thing of the past. Beginning in 1989, 1,500 children in West and East Los Angeles and Inglewood were given an experimental measles vaccine as part of a government sponsored trial. Most of the subjects were Latino or African American. The parents of these children were never told that they were part of an experiment with an unlicensed drug, and thus had a less than adequate basis for giving their consent. The Edmonston-Zagreb, or E-Z vaccine was also tested in Senegal and Guinea-Bissau and Haiti, Guinea, and more than a dozen other Third World countries. Trials in Los Angeles conducted with the cooperation of Kaiser Permanente, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and John Hopkins University, were stopped two years later after questions were raised about the vaccine's relationship to an increased death rate among female infants. When use of the experimental drug came to light, CDC Director Dr. David Satcher noted, "A mistake was made. It shocked me. ... But things sometimes fall through the cracks." Dr. Stephen Hadler, director of the epidemiology and surveillance division of the CDC's national immunization program, said that although researchers have not confirmed a causal association between the more potent dose of E-Z vaccine and the deaths, "it was enough to make the World Health Organization say that "high doses of the vaccine should no longer be considered for use in kids." It should be emphasized, he told the Los Angeles Times, that the deaths occurred among children living in poor countries, many of whom were malnourished and did not have access to adequate health care. Hadler did not, however, emphasize that those same conditions are all too common in the US. In light of this gruesome pattern and pervasive evidence in every corner of society that the lives of blacks are less valued, there are good reasons why so many prisoners as well as a significant portion of the African American community believe that government scientists deliberately created AIDS as a tool of genocide.

Dangerous To Your Health

Dangerous To Your Health
There is only one problem with this almost perfect fit: It is not true. The theories on how HIV the virus that causes AIDS was purposely spliced together in a lab wilt under scientific scrutiny. Moreover, these conspiracy theories divert energy from the work that must be done in the trenches if marginalized communities are to survive this epidemic: grassroots education, mobilizations for AIDS prevention, and better care for people living with HIV. They distract from the urgent need to focus a spotlight on the life-and-death issue of AIDS prevention and on the crucial struggle against a racist and profit driven public health system that is responsible for tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths. After more than nine years doing AIDS education in prison, I have found these conspiracy myths to be the main internal obstacle in terms of prisoners' consciousness to implementing risk reduction strategies. A recent study at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, confirmed that African Americans who believe in the conspiracy theories are significantly less likely to use condoms or to be tested for HIV. Put bluntly: The false conspiracy theories are themselves a contributing factor to the terrible toll of unnecessary AIDS deaths. What's the use, believers ask, of making all the hard choices to avoid spreading or contracting the disease if the government is going to find a way to infect people anyway? And what's the point of all the hassles of safer sex, or all the inconvenience of not sharing needles if HIV can be spread, as many conspiracy theorists claim, by casual contact such as sneezing or handling dishes? The core of the mind-set that undermines prevention efforts is "denial." People whose activities have put them at risk of HIV are often petrified and turn to conspiracy theories as a hip and seemingly militant rationale for not confronting their own dangerous practices. At the same time, such theories provide an apparently simple and satisfying alternative to the complex challenge of dealing with the myriad of social, behavioral, and medical factors that propel the epidemic. While convinced that humans did not design HIV, my main concern here is not to disprove the conspiracy theories. Neither do I attempt to solve the problem of the origins of AIDS or even review the many different theories and approaches to that question. The origin of this disease, as of many others, is likely to remain unsolved for years to come. Rather, the article examines the validity of one set of theories being widely propagated to prisoners and to African American communities: that HIV was deliberately spliced together in a lab as a weapon of genocide. What follows is a look at the major flaws in, and political agenda of, the major conspiracy theories. Readers uninterested in this detailed critique may skip to the section beginning with "The Real Genocide," which discusses the system that made these theories so plausible and that abets as part of its routine functioning the spread of AIDS to "undesirable" communities.


An early version of the AIDS-as-biowarfare theory was based on the work of two East German scientists, Jakob and Lilli Segal, published by the Soviet news agency Tass on March 30, 1987. The Segals claimed that HIV could not have evolved naturally, being in fact an artificial splice between visna virus (a retrovirus that infects the nervous system of sheep) and HTLV-1 (the first retrovirus known to infect humans). This splice, they asserted, was created at the notorious CBW lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and then tested on prisoners in the area. Finding the article politically credible, I sent it to Janet Stavnezer, a friend and long-time supporter of the civil rights and anti-war movements, who is a professor of molecular genetics and microbiology specializing in immunology. Her response was unequivocal: The Segals' splice theory is scientifically impossible. A few years later, as perestroika spread, the Soviet Union withdrew these charges whether out of good science or good diplomacy is unknown. In any case, by then, even non-scientists had noted flaws. For example, there was an obvious error of US geography. The Segals had speculated that the Maryland prisoners, once released congregated in New York City, which then became the seedbed of the epidemic. But most Maryland prisoners would have returned to Baltimore, or Washington, DC neither of which was an early center of AIDS. Since the Segals, there have been a number of related theories that HIV was artificially created by splicing two existing viruses. One, set at Fort Detrick, puts the date back to 1967; another implicates the World Health Organization (WHO), starting in 1972. Stavnezer and Mulder debunk these theories by showing that none of the viruses posited in the various splice theories has nearly enough genetic similarity (homology) with HIV to be one of its parents. Investigative journalist Bob Lederer conducted a separate inquiry into AIDS conspiracy theories for Covert Action Information Bulletin in 1987. One of his prime sources, Dr. David Dubnau, a long- time activist against CBW, was emphatic: The HIV splice theorists "are simply wrong," he said, and offered the same explanation as Stavnezer and Mulder. Lederer had written in the 1987 article that the various non splice theories of dissemination were plausible. Recently, in light of current knowledge, he has revised his conclusion and determined that "None of the AIDS as CBW theories [including the non splice theories] really holds up." Needing a vehicle for the deliberate dissemination of the allegedly spliced virus, the conspiracy theorists also characterize vaccination programs (against smallpox in Africa, hepatitis-B among gay men in the US, and polio in various places) as examples of a CBW campaign. While vaccination programs with inadequate controls for contamination may have contributed to the spread of the infection, they could not have been a prime cause: The geography of the vaccination campaigns does not correspond with the locations of early centers of AIDS. Meanwhile such unsubstantiated rumors can dangerously discourage people here and in the Third World from getting the same protection for their children that have done so much to stop diseases for more privileged whites.

There is another telling problem with the theories: timing. HIV almost certainly arose well before scientists had any reason to consider retroviruses as possible CBW agents to destroy the human immune system. The first human retrovirus (HTLV-1) was not discovered until 1977, and could not immediately be linked to any disease. Through the end of the 1970s the search for human retroviruses was propelled by speculation that they might cause cancer, not that they would target the immune system. Since the epidemiological evidence shows AIDS in several countries in 1978, HIV (a virus with a long incubation period), had to exist at least a few years before that. And it is probably considerably older. Retrospective tests on 1,129 blood samples taken in 1971-72 from US injection drug users found that 14 were HIV positive. There are also cases of patients who died of AIDS defining illnesses decades ago: a teenager in St. Louis in 1968, a sailor in England in 1959, and a Norwegian sailor, his wife and child in the late 1960s. Preserved tissue and blood samples from all of these cases later tested positive for HIV antibodies, although the more difficult direct tests failed to find the virus itself. Medical case histories going back to the 1930s the earliest period in which accurate records were kept show isolated cases with all the earmarks of AIDS. Various analyses of the DNA sequences a technique used for broad assessment of a specie's age have provided estimates for the age of HIV that range from 30-900 years. In brief, the lack of knowledge of any human retroviruses before the late 1970s and the compelling evidence for the earlier genesis of HIV virtually eliminate the possibility that scientists deliberately designed such a germ to destroy the human immune system. More specifically, and decisively, Stavnezer and Dubnau independently confirm that all the alleged splices are in fact impossible because HIV does not have nearly enough genetic similarity to any of the proposed parent viruses.


There is another telling problem with the theories: timing. HIV almost certainly arose well before scientists had any reason to consider retroviruses as possible CBW agents to destroy the human immune system. The first human retrovirus (HTLV-1) was not discovered until 1977, and could not immediately be linked to any disease. Through the end of the 1970s the search for human retroviruses was propelled by speculation that they might cause cancer, not that they would target the immune system. Since the epidemiological evidence shows AIDS in several countries in 1978, HIV (a virus with a long incubation period), had to exist at least a few years before that. And it is probably considerably older. Retrospective tests on 1,129 blood samples taken in 1971-72 from US injection drug users found that 14 were HIV positive. There are also cases of patients who died of AIDS defining illnesses decades ago: a teenager in St. Louis in 1968, a sailor in England in 1959, and a Norwegian sailor, his wife and child in the late 1960s. Preserved tissue and blood samples from all of these cases later tested positive for HIV antibodies, although the more difficult direct tests failed to find the virus itself. Medical case histories going back to the 1930s the earliest period in which accurate records were kept show isolated cases with all the earmarks of AIDS. Various analyses of the DNA sequences a technique used for broad assessment of a specie's age have provided estimates for the age of HIV that range from 30-900 years. In brief, the lack of knowledge of any human retroviruses before the late 1970s and the compelling evidence for the earlier genesis of HIV virtually eliminate the possibility that scientists deliberately designed such a germ to destroy the human immune system. More specifically, and decisively, Stavnezer and Dubnau independently confirm that all the alleged splices are in fact impossible because HIV does not have nearly enough genetic similarity to any of the proposed parent viruses.

The most common source of the conspiracy theories circulating in New York State prisons is William Campbell Douglass, M.D.15 His article "WHO Murdered Africa, "(referring to the World Health Organization), and his book AIDS: The End of Civilization, are prime sources for many black community militants and prisoners who embrace the conspiracy theory out of a sincere desire to fight genocide. But Douglass, who is white, expresses little concern for black lives. He instead states his purpose as being the defense of Western civilization, and describes his politics as "conservative" which turns out to be quite an understatement for his ultra right wing political agenda. Douglas taps into the font of mistrust created by the arrogance and glibness of establishment science. Quick acceptance of the still unproven African green monkey theory was especially suspect and led many people to react against the presumptions of mainstream medicine. Douglass' alternative, however, is a bizarre cocktail of half truths, distortions, and lies. He fails to recognize a basic distinction in epidemiology between the cause of AIDS (a virus) and a means of transmission (dirty needles) (p. 171). He evidently thinks that all RNA viruses are retroviruses (p.230) which is like thinking that all fruits are citrus. And his pronouncements on the possibility of transmission by insects display fundamental ignorance of the science involved. There is also something radically wrong with his statistics; he offers five different figures for the number of HIV infected people in the US (pp. 53, 60, 63, 168, 170) without trying to reconcile the variations. He also" proves" that HIV is a splice of two other viruses by comparing shapes as depicted in his own crude sketches (p. 231), when the scientific method for determining the degree of relatedness of different viruses is to make a detailed
comparison of the sequence of the base pairs of nucleic acid in the DNA. Such an analysis disproves the splice theory.

comparison of the sequence of the base pairs of nucleic acid in the DNA. Such an analysis disproves the splice theory.

Douglass goes beyond mere distortion when he reaches the core of his conspiracy. His "smoking gun" is an article from the Bulletin of the World Health Organization. In a blatant distortion of the 1972 article, Douglass claims that the World Health Organization called for the engineering of a retrovirus to cause AIDS. He is unequivocal: WHO is talking about "retro viruses" and is asking scientists to "attempt to make a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. ...That's AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is Let's cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency.' " (Emphasis in original.) He presents an almost identical description in his book. (p. 80) Aside from the unlikelihood of conspirators' publishing their evil plans, Douglass' characterization borders on fraud. The WHO article in question is not primarily about retroviruses; it is not at all about engineering new viruses; it never discusses making hybrids; and it is absolutely not about making a virus to destroy the human immune system. Anyone who takes the time to look at the original will find that it details a number of existing viruses that cause various illnesses in humans and other mammals. Evidence was emerging by 1972 that some of these viruses, in addition to their direct damage, impacted the immune system. The only call the article makes is to study these secondary effects. He offers only one quote from the original. Not only does he change the context, he omits the list of viruses under study. All the listed viruses were related to already recognized illnesses; most are not retroviruses; none is a retrovirus that affects humans; and none is a suspect in any of the proposed scenarios for HIV splicing. Douglass has created a bogeyman out of thin air.


Douglass' disinformation becomes a deadly threat when he discredits the very prevention measures needed to save lives: "It is possible, " he wrote, "that even the government propaganda concerning intravenous drug use is a red herring. If the intravenous route is the easiest way to catch AIDS, why does it take as long as five to seven years for some recipients of contaminated blood to come down with AIDS?" (p. 171) Here, he seems to forget the well established incubation period between infection with HIV and onset of AIDS, although he manages to remember it later when he refers to a "latency" period of 10 years. (p. 245) And arguing that there isn't a perfect correlation between the number of acts of intercourse and infection, he declares "AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease. "(p. 243) Then, after sabotaging prevention efforts by disparaging the well established danger of needle sharing and unprotected sex, Douglass fuels hysteria with claims that AIDS can be contracted by casual contact. "The common cold is a virus," he says in his article. "Have you ever had a cold? How did you catch it?" By failing to differentiate between airborne and blood borne viruses, he is conjuring up a scare tactic as scientific as warning that your hand will be chopped off if you put it in a goldfish bowl because, after all, a shark is a fish. He also asserts, citing no evidence, that "the AIDS virus can live for as long as 10 days on a dry plate," and then asks, "so, are you worried about your salad in a restaurant that employs homosexuals?" People are understandably skeptical of government reassurances on any matter. But we can turn instead to the experiences of families of people with AIDS and of grassroots AIDS activists: There are hundreds of thousands of us who have worked closely with infected people for years without catching the virus. The unwarranted fears about casual contact deter sorely needed support for our brothers and sisters living with HIV infection and divert attention from the most common means of transmission: unprotected sex and shared drug injection equipment.


Despite the apparent irrationality, there is a coherence to Douglass' distortions and fabrications. They are driven by an ultra-right-wing political agenda that goes back to the 1960s, when he was a member of the John Birch Society and ran a phone line spouting 90 second "patriotic message." In it, Douglass railed against the civil right movement and denounced the National Council of Churches and three presidents as part of a "Communist conspiracy." Among the nuggets he offered callers in at least 30 US cities was the likelihood "that those three civil rights workers [presumably Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman] in Mississippi were kidnaped and murdered by their own kind to drum up sympathy for their cause." In another message he predicted that "The Civil Rights Act will turn America into a Fascist state practically overnight." Two decades later he was blaming gays for AIDS in The Spotlight, the organ of the ultra-right-wing Liberty Lobby, for which he wrote regularly and in which he ran advertisements for "The Douglass Protocol," his cure all medical clinics. In 1987, he wrote, "some have suggested that the FDA is waiting for the majority of the homosexuals to die off before releasing ribavirin," a drug he was at the time promoting as a miracle cure for AIDS. Douglass, however, opposed withholding a "suppressed" cure "although I feel very resentful of the homosexuals because of the holocaust they have brought on us." Later Douglass began promoting a strange cure all treatment (pp. 251-52), photoluminescence, in which small amounts of blood are drawn, irradiated with ultraviolet light, and reinjected. Treatments at his Clayton, Georgia, clinic can span several weeks and cost thousands of dollars. By 1992, when he wrote AIDS: End of Civilization, hes aw AIDS as part of the "entire mosaic of the current attack against western civilization" (p. 14); the term "western" being a thinly veiled code word for "white." He had also shifted blame from homosexuals to communists, and portrayed AIDS as a diabolical plot perpetrated by WHO, which "is run by the Soviets." (p. 118) In these later writings, Douglass weaves an elaborate and intricate plot describing how the communists much like an invading virus took over the machinery of the US Army's CBW labs at Ft. Detrick and the US National Institutes of Health in order to use them to create and propagate HIV.
Douglass is so mired in anti communism that he fails to revise this scenario for his 1992 edition after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He even charges that a Russian, Dr. Sergei Litivinov, headed WHO's AIDS control program in the late 1980s, when, in fact, it was led by an American, Jonathan Mann, whose writings Douglass cites favorably on a number of occasions. In the guise of a program against AIDS, Douglass proposes a basket full of policies favored by the ultra right and neo-Nazis: support and strengthen the powers of local law enforcement (p. 139); make preemptive military strikes against Russia (p. 138); abolish the UN and WHO (p.120); and stop all illegal Mexican immigration into the US (p. 253). Then there are his more specific proposals: mandatory testing for HIV (p. 66); quarantine of all those with HIV (pp. 165-66); removal of HIV infected children from school (p. 161); and incarceration, castration, and execution to stop prostitution. (p. 158) He argues that if we don't overcome a tradition "where civil rights are more revered than civil responsibility," hundreds of millions will die. (p. 165) While such proposals may further the right's law-and-order agenda, a wealth of public health and activist experience has shown that such repressive measures are counterproductive. Discrimination and repression drive those with HIV and its high risk activities underground, making people unreachable for prevention, contact notification, and care. And here is the final appeal in his book: "[I]t appears that regulation of social behavior, as much as we hate it in an egalitarian society such as ours, may be necessary for the survival of civilization." (p. 256)

Douglass is so mired in anti communism that he fails to revise this scenario for his 1992 edition after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He even charges that a Russian, Dr. Sergei Litivinov, headed WHO's AIDS control program in the late 1980s, when, in fact, it was led by an American, Jonathan Mann, whose writings Douglass cites favorably on a number of occasions. In the guise of a program against AIDS, Douglass proposes a basket full of policies favored by the ultra right and neo-Nazis: support and strengthen the powers of local law enforcement (p. 139); make preemptive military strikes against Russia (p. 138); abolish the UN and WHO (p.120); and stop all illegal Mexican immigration into the US (p. 253). Then there are his more specific proposals: mandatory testing for HIV (p. 66); quarantine of all those with HIV (pp. 165-66); removal of HIV infected children from school (p. 161); and incarceration, castration, and execution to stop prostitution. (p. 158) He argues that if we don't overcome a tradition "where civil rights are more revered than civil responsibility," hundreds of millions will die. (p. 165) While such proposals may further the right's law-and-order agenda, a wealth of public health and activist experience has shown that such repressive measures are counterproductive. Discrimination and repression drive those with HIV and its high risk activities underground, making people unreachable for prevention, contact notification, and care. And here is the final appeal in his book: "[I]t appears that regulation of social behavior, as much as we hate it in an egalitarian society such as ours, may be necessary for the survival of civilization." (p. 256)

As bizarre, self contradictory, and refutable as his pronouncements are, Douglass is not an isolated crackpot. A fellow conspiracy theorist with whom he shares much common ground is Lyndon LaRouche, a notorious neo-fascist with documented links to US intelligence agencies. LaRouche's "National Democratic Party Committee" organized the intensely homophobic campaign in 1986 for California's Proposition 64, which, had it not been rejected by voters, would have mandated an AIDS quarantine. In 1989, Douglass and many key LaRouchites spoke at a conference which focused on various conspiracy theories for the origin of AIDS. The "scientific" source that the LaRouchites used for their reactionary campaign is Robert Strecker, M.D., who also addressed the conference Douglass has worked closely with Strecker, considers him a mentor, and dedicates AIDS: The End of Civilization to him. Michael Novick reported in White Lies/White Power that within the far right, it is "The LaRouche groups that are particularly dangerous because, despite their fascist orientation, they have been attempting to recruit from black groups for some time." The political analysis of Bo Gritz, head of the "Populist Party" is another source for AIDS conspiracy theorists. As Novick's book shows, the "Populists" use anti business rhetoric to try to recruit among the left, but the organization has deep roots in the ku klux klan and strong ties to the extreme white supremacist christian identity. When such forces propagate AIDS conspiracy theories among African Americans, one result is to divert people from the grassroots mobilization around prevention and education that could foster greater cohesion, initiative, and strength within the black community. At the same time, the right fans the flames of homophobia which combines with the problem of racism within the predominately white gay and lesbian movement to undermine a potentially powerful alliance of the communities most devastated by government negligence and inaction on AIDS. We live in a strange and dangerous period when the attractive mantle of "militant anti-government movement" has been bestowed on ultra-right-wing, white supremacist groups. The main reason they can get away with such a farce is that their big brother the police state did such an effective job in the blood- soaked repression of opposition groups such as the Black Panthers, which was rooted in the needs and aspirations of oppressed people. With people's movements silenced, the right has co-opted the critique of big government and big business to achieve new credibility. The seedbed of discontent comes from the erosion of the previous guarantee of economic security and relative privileges for a wide range of white people in the middle and working classes. The right, however, portrays the threat as coming from the inroads made by women, immigrants and people of color. Thus their vehemence and militancy spring from the same legacy of white supremacy and violence that is the basis of the government they criticize and their program is in essence a call to return to the pioneer days' ethos that any white male had the right to lay a violent claim to Native American land, African American labor, and female subservience. Whatever the right's motives, the practical consequences are clear: There is a definite correlation between believing these myths and a failure to take proven, life saving preventive measures. In the end, the lies promulgated by the likes of Douglass, Strecker, and LaRouche kill.


The New York Times, in an editorial expressing alarm that an "astonishing" number of African Americans believe in conspiracies with AIDS as a prime example could only understand the phenomenon as "paranoia." Educated white folks, to the degree they are aware of such matters, tend to be "amazed" by such beliefs. But what is truly amazing is that so many whites are so out of touch with the systematic attack by the government-medical-media establishment on the health and lives of African Americans. The stone wall of calculated ignorance and denial that blacks face every day is a fine surface on which to write conspiracies, and may explain why some people become vested in a plot scenario that seems to crystallize the damage. But the problem is far more powerful and pervasive than any narrow conspiracy theory can capture. And although the health horror this society imposes on African Americans is not a "mainstream" public issue, black people know what they are experiencing. They also know that the radical gap between the life expectancy of African Americans and that of white Americans was there even before AIDS burst onto the scene. A 1980 Health and Human Services Department report showed that there were 60,000 "excess deaths" among blacks. This is the number of black people who would not have died that year if blacks had the same mortality rate as whites. That figure marks more unnecessary deaths in one year alone than the total number of US troops killed during the entire Vietnam War. The black body count is a direct result of overwhelming black/white differences in living conditions, public health resources, and medical care. The infant mortality rate a good indication of basic nutrition and health care is more than twice as high among black babies as among whites, while black women die in childbirth at three times the rate of whites. There are also major differences in prevention, detection, treatment, and mortality for a host of other illnesses, such as high blood pressure, pneumonia, appendicitis and cancer. Comparisons are even starker when class as well as race is factored, and, of course, the health status of both Latinos and poor whites is worse than that of more affluent whites. The situation has worsened since 1980 with the advent of AIDS and the new wave of tuberculosis. TB, long considered under control in the US, began a resurgence in 1985. One big factor was the greater susceptibility of HIV infected people to TB. But TB is an important example for another reason: It has always been closely linked to poverty. Crowded tenements, homeless shelters, jails, inadequate ventilation, and poor nutrition all facilitate the spread of this serious disease. Given the distribution of wealth and privilege, it is not surprising that the rate of TB for black Americans is twice that for white Americans, African Americans are also assailed by a range of problems such as high stress, poor nutrition, and environmental hazards. One significant example of environmental hazards is the excessive blood levels of lead in children a condition with proven links to lowered academic performance and to behavioral disorders. In 1991, 21 percent of black American children had harmful quantities of lead in their blood, compared with 8.9 percent of all US children. In addition to disease, the high rate of black-on-black homicide a secondary but particularly painful source of needless deaths is in its own way a corollary of the frustration and misdirected anger bred by oppression.


The evidence is clear that far from being a mysterious new development, AIDS and other epidemics and health hazards flow most easily along the contours of social oppression. There are two particular ways in which the racist structure of US society fosters the spread of HIV: The public health system fails to stem the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs); and the legal system seeks only to punish drug abusers rather than treat them or ameliorate the underlying social and economic causes. A major risk factor for HIV transmission is untreated STDs. These infections can concentrate HIV laden white blood cells in the genital tract and can also cause genital sores, which are easier points of entry for HIV. Although STDs can be readily contained by responsible public health programs, rates began to soar for blacks in the mid-1980s, with, for example, a doubling of syphilis for Blacks from 1985 to 1990. At the same time, rates have remained stable for whites. This grave racial difference probably results from the lack of adequate STD clinics and the failings of public health education, along with the more general breakdown in social cohesion and values that can affect communities under intense stress. Drugs, along with the violence and police repression that accompany them, constitute a plague in their own right for the ghettos and barrios. However, the public perception that illicit drug use is more prevalent among non whites is wrong. Household surveys conducted by the National Institute of Drug Abuse show that African Americans, 12 percent of the US population, comprise 13 percent of illicit drug users. Where there is a tremendous difference, though, is in incarceration. Seventy four percent of the people in prison for drug possession are African American. There is also a major racial disparity in terms of drug related infection by HIV. While partially a result of which drugs are used and how they are used, there is certainly a big and deadly difference in access to new (sterile) needles and syringes through either pharmacies or personal networks. Also, on the street, the police are much more likely to stop and search Blacks and Latinos. This practice deters injection drug users of color from carrying personal sets of works (in states where they are illegal) and pushes them instead to share needles at shooting galleries.


The latest example of the public health failing concerning AIDS is hardly known beyond the immediate circles of AIDS workers. Studies completed in 1993 showed that the previously recommended and widely disseminated protocol for cleaning needles with bleach does not work. Yet there has been no wide scale effort to sound the urgently needed alarm about this grave danger. The literature since 1993 has delineated a new, more effective bleach method that entails using 100 percent undiluted bleach (as opposed to a 10 percent solution) and holding the bleach or rinse water in the needle and syringe, while shaking and tapping, for a full 30 seconds for each step of the nine step process. However, most IDUs do not even look at new handouts because they believe they already "know" the bleach method. In addition, public health authorities have taken no responsibility for the type of training it takes to get an IDU, anxious to get high, to properly complete such a complex and time consuming process. One reason the authorities haven't trumpeted warnings about the problems with bleach may have more to do with politics than public health: The assumption that there is an easy method of bleach sterilization serves as a buffer against pressure to implement sorely needed needle exchange programs. There is impressive evidence that these programs, which allow IDUs to obtain new, sterile needles and syringes, are highly effective in reducing HIV transmission, while there is no evidence that they lead to any increase in drug use. Needle exchange programs could even serve as an outreach and contact point for reducing drug use if "anti drug" politicians allocated funds for treatment instead of incarceration. Despite the clear public health evidence, many politicians have opposed needle exchange programs out of fear of being labeled "soft on drugs." Meanwhile, the rate of HIV among IDUs in states where needle are proscribed is five times higher than in states where they are legal. Tens of thousands of IDUs their lovers, and their children have been condemned to die because health agencies won't advertise their mistakes and because politicians posture for political advantage by banning the use of federal AIDS funds for needle exchange programs. Shared needles is just one area of potential risk reduction. For overall prevention to work, the most effective and documented method of sharply reducing HIV transmission in peer education. Homeboys and home girls with appropriate training in HIV/AIDS information speak the same language, live in the same situations, and can work with the people in their communities in the consistent, caring way needed to change risky behaviors. Meanwhile, prisons provide fertile ground for peer education. They have some of the highest HIV rates in the US, and people who might have been constantly on the move in the street are now stationary and congregated. The vast majority of prisoners eventually return to their outside communities where they can spread either AIDS awareness or AIDS. But prison administrations have generally been hostile to peer led HIV/AIDS education; only a pitiful handful of such programs exist, and those are often hamstrung by bureaucratic restrictions. Allowing misinformation about cleaning needles to persist, blocking needle exchange programs, failing to treat STDs, and thwarting prison peer programs are major examples of the continuing official criminal negligence with regard to AIDS and in particular, how this plague has been allowed to explode in the ghettos and barrios.

Waiting for the government to act is suicidal. The peer education model shows that when we take responsibility for ourselves, our families, and our communities, we can make a big difference. Through grassroots organizing communities can ally to demand social use of social resources instead of allowing tax dollars to go to massive military budgets and corporate welfare schemes. What we don't need are the fundamentally right wing conspiracy theories of Dr. Douglass and the like that lead us on a wild goose chase for the little men in white coats in a secret lab. The false information they purvey that HIV is spread by casual contact but not by sex and drugs generates cruelty toward people with AIDS and fosters support for a police state. In a bitter twist, these conspiracy theories divert people from identifying and fighting back against the real genocide. While US government plots such as the secret radiation and Tuskegee experiments do in fact exist the damage they've done is small compared to the high human costs of the everyday functioning of a two tiered public health system that is rooted in racism, sexism, and profiteering. Overall, the living conditions of people of color in the US are a concatenation of epidemics that cascade through the ghettos and barrios: AIDS-TB-STDs; unemployment, deteriorating schools, homelessness; drugs, internal violence, police brutality, wholesale incarcerations; violence against women, teen pregnancies, declining support structures for the raising of children; and environmental hazards. These mutually reinforcing crises flow from decisions made by government and business on social priorities and the allocation of economic resources. Government policies that have such a disparate impact on survival according to race can be defined as genocide under international law. Whatever term is used, the cruelty of tens of thousands of preventable deaths is unconscionable. This reality is the basis for the scream of a people that "mainstream" society seems unable or unwilling to hear. These conditions are the real genocide in progress that must be confronted.
"That HIV-AIDS is not a physical disease can be glimpsed at from its ability to circumvent the normal biology of DNA & RNA synthesis. Whereas other terminal diseases obey the Mendelian Laws, while replicating, HI-Virus defies all known laws in Genetics. This translates into an ailment above the natural laws in creation, and so it must be supernatural. Another way to describe it is that it is above the physical laws i.e. METAPHYSICAL! It is this observation that lends credence to our proposition: HIV IS NOT MERELY A PHYSICAL AILMENT! " delivered by
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, the Public Presentation of Hafani Research Findings, Rotary Hall, UNTH,Enugu .
That is why we cannot find its treatment in physical medicine but in a metaphysical one”
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue, B.Phil., B.Sc., pjsc, M.Sc., D.Psych.
The International Animator of HAFANI RESEARCH CONSORTIUM
The whole world has been fed with the balderdash that the pandemic HIV-AIDS has no cure! This is partially true for it is not purely a physical ailment! Besides, there is now a subliminal politics of HIV discernable by only a few wise men as was revealed to enlightened minds at the 2006 International Conference atCanada . A few intellectuals read between the lines regarding the depositions made by both Bill Gates and Bill Clinton.
The former, who is undoubtedly the greatest financier of the programmes aimed at finding worldwide solutions for the pandemic indicted the scientific community for not providing an effective alternative to the palliative regimen they are busy proliferating worldwide;
“While there is promising research to report, the world, in my view, has not done nearly enough to discover these new tools,…All of us who care about this issue should have focused more attention on these tools, funded more research, and worked harder to overcome the obstacles that make it difficult to run clinical trials. Now we need to make up for lost time.”
Bill Gates (2006) @ the 16th International Conference atToronto , Canada .
The latter, who equally is the greatest advocate of efficient management stratagem for halting the pandemic, has been busy galvanising political support for eradicating it asked this pertinent question:
“Why is it that Americans who take the retroviral drugs these companies produce survive whereas their counterparts suffering from the same illness in Africa and other developing countries die despite taking the drugs?”
Bill Clinton (2006) @ the 16th International Conference atToronto , Canada .
Could both of them be wrong in accusing the international scientific community of not doing enough to find a more therapeutic regimen for the disease or a permanent cure? This Senior Research Fellow that has led a team of professionals at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu in an alternative search for therapeutic remedies sourced from the tropics agrees completely with the two world-renowned figures thus;
“Enough has neither been done in terms of objective scientific research nor a free-for–all leverage given for divergent views on research methodology. Equally, there has never been a liberal acceptance of research findings emanating from the developing countries of the world because the western press and pharmaceutical companies involved in the lucrative business of marketing condoms and their own brand of retroviral drugs is fleecing the entire world of its scarce resources. They have combined forces and also contrived a secret agenda aimed at hiding the truth from humanity so as to enrich their multinational industries that are producing the condoms and other allied accessories for holding everyone to ransom. Therefore, we now need alternative management strategies inAfrica and other developing countries!”
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, a Symposium on Hafani Research Project 007, UNTH,Enugu .
The other dimension to the shameful saga is that it is now being used as a biological weapon to balance the population ratio of blacks to whites worldwide! This ulterior motive was very evident in the falsehood some western scientists propagated that the reason why blacks die despite taking their retroviral drugs is because they do not adhere to the dosages prescribed. Bill Clinton declared the findings of a research study he sponsored that debunked the malicious theory at the same International Conference on HIV-AIDS held inCanada !
He emphasised that contrary to the propaganda rural communities took the drug regimen more seriously that urban dwellers and he went on to ask this pertinent question:
Why is it that Americans who take the retroviral drugs these companies produce survive whereas their counterparts suffering from the same illness inAfrica and other developing countries die despite taking the drugs? Bill Clinton further pleaded that the western world must show evidence that the drugs shipped to the developing countries are of the same quality, same chemistry and similar milligram dosages as the ones shipped to Europe and North America !
Coming from a former President of the most powerful nation of the world in this twentieth century, could he be speaking with his tongue in his cheek? Whoever can not comprehend the diplomatic undertones in his depositions or expatiate on their political meaning is not qualified to read this script. Such a person is neither a scientist nor a humanitarian! He/she is definitely a racist and can never be relied upon to tell the truth nor decipher a camouflaged reprimand!
Analyse this excerpt from the keynote address also presented by Mrs Melinda Gates as a statement of the facts on the behaviour of the African political class which underscores the wastage they make of the funds humanitarians laboured so hard to earn and donate to charity;
“When Bill and I visit other countries, we are enthusiastically accompanied by government officials on all our stops – until we go to meet with sex workers,” “At that point, it can become too politically difficult to stay with us, and our official hosts often leave.” “That is senseless,” “People involved in sex work are crucial allies in the fight to end AIDS. We should be reaching out to them, enlisting them in our efforts, helping them protect themselves from infection, and keeping them from passing the virus along to others.”
Melinda Gates (2006) @ the same International Conference on HIV,Toronto ,Canada .
It is in the light of this neo-colonial mentality that we opted to seek alternative remedies from the natural resources in the tropics. Our fore runners in this search in the natural environment for solutions to the pandemic are the colleagues of Dr Conrato S. Dayrit, an Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology at theUniversity ofPhilippines who discovered that the chemical ingredients in Virgin Coconut Oil retarded the progression of HI-virus.
We have corroborated their research findings, improved on them and added our unique regimen that prevents the action of the HIV and gradually halts the spread of AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. The members of HAFANI RESEARCH CONSORTIUM have devoted six years to this indigenous and prophylactic approach. We seem to have anticipated the indictments made in the dual keynote addresses of the duo of Bill Gates and his namesake Bill Clinton at the recently concluded 16th HIV conference atToronto , Canada .
That HIV-AIDS is not a physical disease can be glimpsed at from its ability to circumvent the normal biology of DNA & RNA synthesis. Whereas other terminal diseases obey the Mendelian Laws, while replicating, HI-Virus defies all known laws in Genetics. This translates into an ailment above the natural laws in creation, and so it must be supernatural. Another way to describe it is that it above the physical laws i.e. METAPHYSICAL! It is this observation that lends credence to our proposition: HIV IS NOT MERELY A PHYSICAL AILMENT!
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, the Public Presentation of Hafani Research Findings,
Rotary Hall, UNTH,Enugu .
"That HIV-AIDS is not a physical disease can be glimpsed at from its ability to circumvent the normal biology of DNA & RNA synthesis. Whereas other terminal diseases obey the Mendelian Laws, while replicating, HI-Virus defies all known laws in Genetics. This translates into an ailment above the natural laws in creation, and so it must be supernatural. Another way to describe it is that it is above the physical laws i.e. METAPHYSICAL! It is this observation that lends credence to our proposition: HIV IS NOT MERELY A PHYSICAL AILMENT! " delivered by
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, the Public Presentation of Hafani Research Findings, Rotary Hall, UNTH,
That is why we cannot find its treatment in physical medicine but in a metaphysical one”
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue, B.Phil., B.Sc., pjsc, M.Sc., D.Psych.
The International Animator of HAFANI RESEARCH CONSORTIUM
The whole world has been fed with the balderdash that the pandemic HIV-AIDS has no cure! This is partially true for it is not purely a physical ailment! Besides, there is now a subliminal politics of HIV discernable by only a few wise men as was revealed to enlightened minds at the 2006 International Conference at
The former, who is undoubtedly the greatest financier of the programmes aimed at finding worldwide solutions for the pandemic indicted the scientific community for not providing an effective alternative to the palliative regimen they are busy proliferating worldwide;
“While there is promising research to report, the world, in my view, has not done nearly enough to discover these new tools,…All of us who care about this issue should have focused more attention on these tools, funded more research, and worked harder to overcome the obstacles that make it difficult to run clinical trials. Now we need to make up for lost time.”
Bill Gates (2006) @ the 16th International Conference at
The latter, who equally is the greatest advocate of efficient management stratagem for halting the pandemic, has been busy galvanising political support for eradicating it asked this pertinent question:
“Why is it that Americans who take the retroviral drugs these companies produce survive whereas their counterparts suffering from the same illness in Africa and other developing countries die despite taking the drugs?”
Bill Clinton (2006) @ the 16th International Conference at
Could both of them be wrong in accusing the international scientific community of not doing enough to find a more therapeutic regimen for the disease or a permanent cure? This Senior Research Fellow that has led a team of professionals at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu in an alternative search for therapeutic remedies sourced from the tropics agrees completely with the two world-renowned figures thus;
“Enough has neither been done in terms of objective scientific research nor a free-for–all leverage given for divergent views on research methodology. Equally, there has never been a liberal acceptance of research findings emanating from the developing countries of the world because the western press and pharmaceutical companies involved in the lucrative business of marketing condoms and their own brand of retroviral drugs is fleecing the entire world of its scarce resources. They have combined forces and also contrived a secret agenda aimed at hiding the truth from humanity so as to enrich their multinational industries that are producing the condoms and other allied accessories for holding everyone to ransom. Therefore, we now need alternative management strategies in
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, a Symposium on Hafani Research Project 007, UNTH,
The other dimension to the shameful saga is that it is now being used as a biological weapon to balance the population ratio of blacks to whites worldwide! This ulterior motive was very evident in the falsehood some western scientists propagated that the reason why blacks die despite taking their retroviral drugs is because they do not adhere to the dosages prescribed. Bill Clinton declared the findings of a research study he sponsored that debunked the malicious theory at the same International Conference on HIV-AIDS held in
He emphasised that contrary to the propaganda rural communities took the drug regimen more seriously that urban dwellers and he went on to ask this pertinent question:
Why is it that Americans who take the retroviral drugs these companies produce survive whereas their counterparts suffering from the same illness in
Coming from a former President of the most powerful nation of the world in this twentieth century, could he be speaking with his tongue in his cheek? Whoever can not comprehend the diplomatic undertones in his depositions or expatiate on their political meaning is not qualified to read this script. Such a person is neither a scientist nor a humanitarian! He/she is definitely a racist and can never be relied upon to tell the truth nor decipher a camouflaged reprimand!
Analyse this excerpt from the keynote address also presented by Mrs Melinda Gates as a statement of the facts on the behaviour of the African political class which underscores the wastage they make of the funds humanitarians laboured so hard to earn and donate to charity;
“When Bill and I visit other countries, we are enthusiastically accompanied by government officials on all our stops – until we go to meet with sex workers,” “At that point, it can become too politically difficult to stay with us, and our official hosts often leave.” “That is senseless,” “People involved in sex work are crucial allies in the fight to end AIDS. We should be reaching out to them, enlisting them in our efforts, helping them protect themselves from infection, and keeping them from passing the virus along to others.”
Melinda Gates (2006) @ the same International Conference on HIV,
It is in the light of this neo-colonial mentality that we opted to seek alternative remedies from the natural resources in the tropics. Our fore runners in this search in the natural environment for solutions to the pandemic are the colleagues of Dr Conrato S. Dayrit, an Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology at the
We have corroborated their research findings, improved on them and added our unique regimen that prevents the action of the HIV and gradually halts the spread of AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. The members of HAFANI RESEARCH CONSORTIUM have devoted six years to this indigenous and prophylactic approach. We seem to have anticipated the indictments made in the dual keynote addresses of the duo of Bill Gates and his namesake Bill Clinton at the recently concluded 16th HIV conference at
That HIV-AIDS is not a physical disease can be glimpsed at from its ability to circumvent the normal biology of DNA & RNA synthesis. Whereas other terminal diseases obey the Mendelian Laws, while replicating, HI-Virus defies all known laws in Genetics. This translates into an ailment above the natural laws in creation, and so it must be supernatural. Another way to describe it is that it above the physical laws i.e. METAPHYSICAL! It is this observation that lends credence to our proposition: HIV IS NOT MERELY A PHYSICAL AILMENT!
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, the Public Presentation of Hafani Research Findings,
Rotary Hall, UNTH,
It took me 55 years to qualify to research this, at least 25 calendar months to piece together what you are privileged to read now and in between another 10 years to muster the courage to even write it
Let us start my controversial revelations by simply showing every honest person dissertations in the WWW to prove or buttress my claims that a heinous crime against humanity has been going on for decades! Come with me to this auspicious website which I did not sponsor:*
This article contains hypotheses not currently accepted by the majority of the scientific ... Some conspiracy theorists propose an expanded hypothesis in which the smallpox vaccine .... I guess there is some truth that must not be too exposed. › Conspiracies
Dec 2, 2015 - Scientists say that HIV cannot be isolated, which makes it unlike any other ... could it be that the truth about AIDS lies in the conspiracy theories ...
A new national survey links HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories among African ... Just over one-third—37 percent—say the government is telling the truth about the ...
Feb 23, 2015 - Robert Gallo is alleged to have created HIV/AIDS in the 1970s, primarily based on his patent in 1985. But, does looking at the facts lend support ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 2/24/17
Aug 9, 2005 - The mixing of AIDS facts and fallacies has long been apparent to researchers like myself who are convinced that HIV did not come from Mother ...
Black Conspiracy Theories 101: HIV/AIDS Was Created To Extinguish Blacks .... Whatever the conspiracy theory surrounding HIV/AIDS, the real facts are that ...
Sep 25, 2015 - The Eazy-E Death Conspiracy: Was the N.W.A Rapper Injected with HIV? ... Straight Outta Compton sticks to those facts, offering up an ...
Nov 9, 2011 - The HIV/AIDS Conspiracy – Lies, More Lies, The Love Of Money And ..... Allow real doctors and scientists of truth to show you the true nature ...
by LM Bogart - 2003 - Cited by 62 - Related articles
tional telephone survey examining the relationship of HIV/AIDS conspiracy beliefs to sexual attitudes .... the truth about AIDS, and over 25% agreed that.
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Ask any question anonymously & with out shame to a doctor via mobileapp
“That born of the flesh is flesh, but that born of the spirit is spiritual.”
All known diseases that are consequences of transgressing / defying the laws of the physical environment have been studied for centuries and solutions have been found for most of them. The sciences of taxonomy, pharmacognosy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology and pharmacy have assisted humanity in finding the right diagnosis, treatment and prevention of most diseases. If the international scientific community boldly states; there is no cure for HIV or AIDS for now, and there is no drug discovered to halt the spread of the virus, it boils down to the fact that the disease is not from the physical environment and any discerning adult would look elsewhere for its origin! Could it be a mutant of an already existing virus?
Man is a composite being made up of body, mind and spirit! Only humans communicate by speaking verbal languages that are intelligible to others. Human beings can think or reason and/or discuss! Man can agree or disagree with others in the same genus and family! Of all the other species in creation, only men take decisions at both the individual level and at the group level, thus they arrive at legislation; they make laws, impose rewards and sanctions. This is how most communities; primitive, civilised, religious, military, political and social arrive at constitutions, international conventions and human rights. All these, other hominoids do not and can not! That is why zoologists classified man as; Homo sapiens.
Our team affirms that the international scientific community has not done enough to halt the HIV-AIDS pandemic, for I have discovered that there are certain technologies that have been hidden from the entire human race regarding superior therapeutics that can halt the dreaded pandemic. I invite you to sample some of these areas that have not been maximally exploited;
Interferon is any of a group of antiviral proteins produced by animals, including humans, in response to infection by viruses. First recognised in chick embryo cells by British virologist Alick Isaacs and his Swiss colleague Jean Lindenmann in 1957, interferons were found to block further viral infection of body cells. The active antiviral substance is not the interferons themselves, but proteins that interferons cause other cells to produce. Some of these proteins have been identified, but their manner of operation is not yet well understood. It is clear, however, that interferons play a role in the body’s most important defences against viruses, and that they help fight bacteria and other disease-causing agents.
Interferons may be grouped into three categories;
1. Alpha (leukocyte) interferons are made by white blood cells,
2. Beta (fibroblast) interferons by skin cells, and
3. Gamma (immune) interferons by lymphocytes after stimulation by antigens.
During the 1960s physicians attempted to use interferons to treat virus-caused human diseases, especially colds, but the therapy was determined impractical due to the enormous cost of obtaining minute quantities of interferons from human white blood cells. Researchers then tried to stimulate the body to make its own interferons with inducers such as synthetic nucleic acids. These chemicals worked, but the body quickly became tolerant of them, and they lost their effect. In 1980, however, interferons were made available in sufficient quantities through genetic engineering techniques, and trials testing dosage levels and side effects were begun the following year. Thus far only some alpha interferons have been tested, but they have shown promise against a host of viral diseases. The use of interferons against such cancers as malignant melanoma and renal cell cancer has produced mixed results. The side effects accompanying interferons can range from mild to life-threatening. Beta and gamma interferons have not yet been tested in quantity, but may prove more useful than alpha interferons.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopaedia 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation.
Our Hafani Research Team has simply concentrated efforts at rejuvenating these interferons to perform optimally by employing the divine potentials inherent in plants found in the tropics!
If mankind can not find a cure for the HI-virus in the environment, then it must move up the ladder and explore the next level of his exalted tripartite composition of body, mind and spirit! Solutions not found at the lowest rung of the ladder may be waiting for some wise humans who can decipher the other two levels. The pandemic is an entirely new virus. It has never been in any medical books nor known in history. Therefore, it is entirely a new being, a novel creation, the latest created virus. Who else can create? And he had made a divine promise that he would never again destroy the world with water or fire as He did in the Old Testament narratives!
This marked the starting block of the race against world opinion, divergent rationalisations and the genesis of the Kenezian Approach to seeking Alternative Management Strategies for HIV-AIDS. After half a decade of intensive meditative theosophy and existential philosophical disputations with enlightened minds, a light was seen at the end of the dark tunnel when two HIV patients responded to a dual therapeutic regimen rather than the monotherapy that has been popularised internationally! We discovered the missing link!
“That born of the flesh is flesh, but that born of the spirit is spiritual.”
All known diseases that are consequences of transgressing / defying the laws of the physical environment have been studied for centuries and solutions have been found for most of them. The sciences of taxonomy, pharmacognosy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology and pharmacy have assisted humanity in finding the right diagnosis, treatment and prevention of most diseases. If the international scientific community boldly states; there is no cure for HIV or AIDS for now, and there is no drug discovered to halt the spread of the virus, it boils down to the fact that the disease is not from the physical environment and any discerning adult would look elsewhere for its origin! Could it be a mutant of an already existing virus?
Man is a composite being made up of body, mind and spirit! Only humans communicate by speaking verbal languages that are intelligible to others. Human beings can think or reason and/or discuss! Man can agree or disagree with others in the same genus and family! Of all the other species in creation, only men take decisions at both the individual level and at the group level, thus they arrive at legislation; they make laws, impose rewards and sanctions. This is how most communities; primitive, civilised, religious, military, political and social arrive at constitutions, international conventions and human rights. All these, other hominoids do not and can not! That is why zoologists classified man as; Homo sapiens.
Our team affirms that the international scientific community has not done enough to halt the HIV-AIDS pandemic, for I have discovered that there are certain technologies that have been hidden from the entire human race regarding superior therapeutics that can halt the dreaded pandemic. I invite you to sample some of these areas that have not been maximally exploited;
Interferon is any of a group of antiviral proteins produced by animals, including humans, in response to infection by viruses. First recognised in chick embryo cells by British virologist Alick Isaacs and his Swiss colleague Jean Lindenmann in 1957, interferons were found to block further viral infection of body cells. The active antiviral substance is not the interferons themselves, but proteins that interferons cause other cells to produce. Some of these proteins have been identified, but their manner of operation is not yet well understood. It is clear, however, that interferons play a role in the body’s most important defences against viruses, and that they help fight bacteria and other disease-causing agents.
Interferons may be grouped into three categories;
1. Alpha (leukocyte) interferons are made by white blood cells,
2. Beta (fibroblast) interferons by skin cells, and
3. Gamma (immune) interferons by lymphocytes after stimulation by antigens.
During the 1960s physicians attempted to use interferons to treat virus-caused human diseases, especially colds, but the therapy was determined impractical due to the enormous cost of obtaining minute quantities of interferons from human white blood cells. Researchers then tried to stimulate the body to make its own interferons with inducers such as synthetic nucleic acids. These chemicals worked, but the body quickly became tolerant of them, and they lost their effect. In 1980, however, interferons were made available in sufficient quantities through genetic engineering techniques, and trials testing dosage levels and side effects were begun the following year. Thus far only some alpha interferons have been tested, but they have shown promise against a host of viral diseases. The use of interferons against such cancers as malignant melanoma and renal cell cancer has produced mixed results. The side effects accompanying interferons can range from mild to life-threatening. Beta and gamma interferons have not yet been tested in quantity, but may prove more useful than alpha interferons.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopaedia 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Our Hafani Research Team has simply concentrated efforts at rejuvenating these interferons to perform optimally by employing the divine potentials inherent in plants found in the tropics!
If mankind can not find a cure for the HI-virus in the environment, then it must move up the ladder and explore the next level of his exalted tripartite composition of body, mind and spirit! Solutions not found at the lowest rung of the ladder may be waiting for some wise humans who can decipher the other two levels. The pandemic is an entirely new virus. It has never been in any medical books nor known in history. Therefore, it is entirely a new being, a novel creation, the latest created virus. Who else can create? And he had made a divine promise that he would never again destroy the world with water or fire as He did in the Old Testament narratives!
This marked the starting block of the race against world opinion, divergent rationalisations and the genesis of the Kenezian Approach to seeking Alternative Management Strategies for HIV-AIDS. After half a decade of intensive meditative theosophy and existential philosophical disputations with enlightened minds, a light was seen at the end of the dark tunnel when two HIV patients responded to a dual therapeutic regimen rather than the monotherapy that has been popularised internationally! We discovered the missing link!
The current thesis that there is a metaphysical dimension to the pandemic did not come easy! It cost the leader of Hafani Researchers physical seclusion, emotional pain, psychosocial denials and months of fasting and prayers before the revelations started tumbling down from above. At this point we enjoin those who are familiar with the Bible to consult; John 3: 5-8, John 4:13 -14 and finally meditate on 1st Corinthians 2: 8-16, before reading further. Find equivalents in other scriptures you are familiar with.
find the whole article at this website;