Wednesday 15 October 2014




A Wise Brave man can fall seven times but he will rise seven times also if he is a truly a bona-fide Homo sapiens if he is not encumbered by doctrines and dogmas.

Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D.Sc. a.k.a. Dr J. K. Danmbaezue,
The Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty creator of the Entire Universe
Dated this Sunday, September 23, 2012 @ 9:31:24 PM or 2131.24 HRS GMT

Wake up you slumbering beauties of Christendom that have been hoodwinked for centuries by Roman Abracadabra of converting Mithraism that originated in Greece and dominated Rome for centuries before an imprisoned tent maker who appealed to Rome for judicial liberation from his captors because he claimed he was A ROMAN CITIZEN, the most respected title any one could trump up as a magical wand to frighten all his detractors.

The cock is crowing and has been crowing promptly since the beginning of creation. He has been the best time keeper humanity has relied on before attempts to supplant him gave us clocks. But to date, the Almighty Creator’s time keeper is still the most reliable! Do you know why? It does not need a battery to operate, it has never gone to school to learn about time schedules and the crowing is regular all over the globe, that is to say, ALL COCKS CROW CONTEMPORANEOUSLY in the five major continents of our small world!

While you sleep or work, it has never shrieked its duty of informing sane human beings that time is running out on them! Or will the disciples of the ape-like Charles Darwin explain away why the cock has not evolved into a super bird that fly all round each home, hamlet, village or urban areas of all our human communities to unfailingly herald the birth of a new dawn. All the other birds join him only as from 05.30am each day singing the morning prayers to the Almighty Creator to thank him for sustaining their lives through the night till they woke up! Contemporaneously, they also supplicate for nourishment on a daily basis as they pray for their daily feeding since they have no farms or stores when ready-made food awaits them. And He does!

Think of the millions of birds in the world, who neither cultivate the land nor harvest any grains but are well-fed daily because they prayed to the Creator! All the wild animals, fishes and reptiles also have no planting seasons. So they also by mowing, roaring, croaking e.t.c. also pray for their daily food, carnivorous and herbivorous and He answers their prayers. This had sustained all created beings since creation until the most destructive animal in the universe; MAN started domesticating them for selfish reasons we all know about; greed, commerce, affluence, gluttony, wine and sexual gratifications.

So, my dear, sleeping beauties wake up! It is GOOD MORNING for all genuine sons and daughters of the Omnipotent and Omniscient Father of us all; the Almighty Creator. He declares a thing to be and instantaneously his Holy Spirit implements and activates his thoughts, words, desires for our well-being and paternal wishes for the mutual benefits of all animate and inanimate beings, he placed above the earth, on the vegetative horizons of our expansive environments  and those under the seas, hills and mountains on every land.

Smile and greet the nearest human being with you right now, for there is a new lease of spiritual regeneration sweeping across the whole world for bona-fide children of the Creator!
 Our world has been bastardised by centuries of demagogues propounding dogmatic religions that brainwashed generations before ours with demonic doctrines that hoodwinked many semi-literates into sheepishly doing things that ordinarily an educated rational being would abhor and vomit out as toxic wastes! However, humanity had lived under bondage and borne the degradation of humans due to the fear of the AFTERLIFE negative concepts painted by the very imperialists that proposed that anyone who deviated WOULD END UP IN HELLFIRE.

Hello, it is a brand new day! Good Morning, Citizens of the Global Village!
From now on, there will never be ANY FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN AGAIN! Modern discoveries in science has proven that all doctrines and dogmas were propagated by imperialists that wanted to dominate the citizens of their generations.

 All over the world, the supposedly rational animal that prides itself with being the only one with language and reason has been manipulated into swallowing toxic wastes in the name of faith! From birth, one is conditioned to swallow the community’s or parents’ religious practices without questions! The general mass hysteria is that doctrines, dogmas and rituals were handed down through some prophets and priests and therefore no one dares challenge their real worth; neither their veracity, their utilitarian values nor their mutual benefits!

That is now history for intelligent humans who will read and understand this website! That has been the remote cause of racism, religious intolerance and the production of majority and minority races. All the animals, plants fishes, birds, reptiles, apes and human beings have the divinely built in mechanism of IMMANENT MOTION and each was designed, built and bestowed with ASEXUAL or SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE CAPABILITIES by a SUPREME ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, who created, creates and still sustains all his created beings, animate and inanimate; all humans describe as the ALMIGHTY CREATOR!

The unproved Theory of Evolution was the product of a grandson of the Evil One! There is no doubt that Charles Darwin knew where he came from, why he was here and where he was going! The truth was that his biological father noticed an unusual trait in his son but could not decipher it since psychology had not advanced beyond theoretical assumptions. He opted to send him to a
Bible College. Moreover, as every Briton then joined in the face-off of the adulterous King with the Papacy they all pretended to be ‘Christians’ who were really protesting the supremacy of the Pope and his Papal powers dominating the entire world!

Any theory that helped to enthrone the Anglican Communion founded by the His Royal Majesty at the crucial time and helped dislocate the Roman Catholic Church domination of the entire world through the unpopular Papacy was welcome and given maximum support and publicity. So, you can imagine that overnight Charles Darwin’s demonic theories that would supplant God and the Creationist theory was embraced by all Britons and even earned him a Knighthood. No thanks to the love affair between Constantine, the great and his heart-throb, a Christian damsel under the tutelage of Saul of Tarsus!

Take a harder look at the results of the enforcement of the variety of religions in world history and you will note that each religion set out to seek and pursue peaceful principles but each ended up promulgating doctrines and dogmas not acceptable to all humanity. The result is that the mundane xenophobic, egocentric and ethnocentric desire to enforce these myopic doctrines and dogmas take over the objective of peace and turns the world into a battlefield of religious fanatics, mystics, demagogues and irrational beings that destroy humanity!

The ensuing narcissistic, masochistic and schizophrenic behavioural traits come to the fore and crusades and jihads take over the religious mission and replace it with ethnocentric and egocentric objective of establishing world supremacy! Is it not foolhardy for anyone to fight for the Creator; erroneously called  God, Chukwu, Oluwa, Abasi or Allah that we all know is OMNISCIENT and OMNIPOTENT? Remember that “I am, that, I am” was the label the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had given to Moses at the burning bush! A comparative analysis of the origins and development of crusades and jihads seems proper here! So, let ask Wikipedia or the encyclopaedias!

Counterfeits had always existed in every human endeavour but the worst is the one that proposed that humans developed from monkey-like creatures called apes. If that theory were true, by now, after a century it could have become A SCIENTIFIC LAW! Austrian monk, McGregor Mendel’s theory of inheritance in all species was only recognised post-homously. It passed all the hurdles that met the classification and differentiations of laws versus theories. All natural scientists, whether in botany or zoology, human or veterinary medicine, psychology or politics, sociology and anthropology must study his theories meticulously to pass any professional examinations! But to date, the disciples of the pastor-turned observer of biological evolution, the ape-like Charles Darwin, who initially set out to explain to his peers why he looked very much like an ape are still groping in the dark alleys of theories that will never become any law in any scientific community!

Take a critical look of any of the pictures of Charles Darwin who was a trained Anglican priest. Place it beside a picture of a full grown male ape. It will be difficult for your ten year child to differentiate. That experiment will reveal the objective of theologically trained pastor wandering off to observe animals in their natural habitats as he claimed was the ORIGIN OF SPECIES. The truth; however was he had a subconscious need to extricate himself from the jeers and sneers of his age-mates who taunted him with being a grandson of an ape. He set out to blacklist all humans as descendants of apes and so rebuff the adolescent taunts of his peer group! Otherwise tell me, what time had a missionary pastor to veer into unknown scientific areas he never received any for mal training? No one had ever bordered to ask these pertinent and revealing questions all along.

Now, Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez has belled the cats let all the scientific rats come out of their cowardice and ask the relevant questions on why a non-scientist was allowed to derail THE POSITIVE AND SELF-EVIDENT RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVE OF THE THEORY OF CREATIONISM.


  • Creationism is the affirmation, not merely a belief that the universe and the various forms of life were created by God out of nothing (ex nihilo). Biblical creationists believe that the story told in Genesis of God's six-day creation of all things is literally correct. Scientific creationists believe that a creator made all that exists, but they may not hold that the Genesis story is a literal history of that creation. 
  • Both types of creationists, however, believe that changes in organisms may involve changes within a species or downward changes (negative mutations), but they do not believe that any of these changes can lead to the evolution of a lower or simpler species into a higher or more-complex species. Thus, the theory of biological evolution is disputed by all creationists. 
  • Creationism became the object of renewed interest among conservative religious groups following the publication in 1859 of On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (1809–82), the first systematic statement of evolutionary theory. Within two decades most of the scientific community had accepted some form of evolution, and most churches eventually followed suit. 
  • In the early 20th century, some state legislatures in the United States banned the teaching of evolution on the ground that it contradicted the biblical creation story, which they considered a revealed truth. 
  • The result was the famous Scopes Trial (the so-called “Monkey Trial”) of 1925, in which a high-school teacher, John T. Scopes, was convicted of unlawfully teaching the theory of evolution (he was later acquitted on a technicality). 
  • Beginning in the late 20th century, many creationists advocated a view known as intelligent design, which was essentially a scientifically modern version of the argument from design for the existence of God as set forth by the Anglican clergyman William Paley (1743–1805). Today most creationists in the United States continue to work toward their goal of ensuring that the biblical creation story, or at least the idea that the universe and living things were divinely created, is taught alongside evolution in the public schools.


Every living being breathes the ALMIGHTY CREATOR’S fresh air that only HE knows how HE refines; drink HIS water that fall down to us from above or already running out of where HE stored them in HIS rocks. We all share the same Sun, Moon and Earth that the Supreme Being gave us to know the days and nights, months and years, to cultivate and grow our food, build our houses and finally, bury our dead relatives! Can the demagogues theorising THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES also tell us about the evolution of these?  

It is my proven conclusion therefore that it was abracadabra religious dissension that produced the most heinous theories in world history. This was/is/will remain the origin of all religious dissensions that watered down the pristine views of man and gradually over the centuries opened the eyes of all that one can theorise in the wrong direction and still have a popular following by demonised and people of crooked thinking. That was the remote genesis of the previous world wars that enthroned superiority of races, blood and intelligence that engineered the earliest religious crusades and jihads. 

Before Charles Darwin, piety reigned! After Charles Darwin, hell was let loose so that all the demons escaped from hellfire, came down to our human world, filled the earth and bred all the demagogues that spawned unscientific theories, doctrines and dogmas that led to all the previous genocides mistakenly called “world wars”! My dear, can’t you now see the mother theory of evolution that gave birth to all the other nefarious evolutions that is now the pandemic the world is suffering from? 


All over the world, the youths have looked on helplessly as the adult population decides who gets what, which religion get government allegiance and who is who in all social interactions. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. The civilized and scientific youths of the current GLOBAL VILLAGE OF COMPUTERS AND THE INTERNET  are poised to take over the reigns of governance if the leaders of today do not want A LASTING WORLD PEACE.

The religious tradition of our forefathers has been overthrown by imported versions that our youths disregard or pay lip service to. It is the adult population that is corrupting the youth. There are no role models for the youth; neither among the fake pastors and money seeking evangelists nor among the inept public servants and the corrupt political class. That is the genesis of youth restiveness, social malaise and adult/juvenile delinquency that has escalated to unmanageable proportions in ALL DEVELOPED AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AND NATIONS OF THE WORLD!

For too long, our people have been wearing masks; the commercial mask worn by traders from Mondays to Fridays when they extort and cheat their customers. Civil service mask of pretences is a corollary! Then religiosity mask is worn by all for funeral ceremonies and condolence visits on Saturdays and finally, the Christian mask worn on Sundays!

To correct the anomaly, a Consultant Research Scientist with his team of concerned interdisciplinary colleagues conducted a 25-year research on the restoration of family love and morals. There must be EDUCATION IN FAMILY VALUES to change the tide and avert a lawless society that our nation is turning into. So, what is education in family values? The answer is ubiquitous but comprehensive as outlined in this magnificent;


Dear Teacher, Your job is an onerous one, commendable by both God and man,
My child will look up to you as a role model, a mirror to view the world;
You will have to father him for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week and 35 weeks per year,
That’s long enough to make or mar his future, his classmates and that of this country.

1. Teach him to look around and admire the beauty in nature, himself inclusive,
Let him know that for every child he sees, there are two parents – a father and a mother;
So for the birds he sees, trees, animals, hills, rivers, sun, daylight, night and moonlight,
There is but One Almighty Father, who created and takes care of us all on a daily basis.

2. Teach him to trust and obey The Almighty Creator with worship in humility,
And to love every other being, as we all are sons and daughters of the same Creator;
Let him realise that when it rains, it’s for every one: plants, animals and man,
The Creator’s kindness and benevolence does not choose those to hate or love.

3. Teach him that for every lie he tells, he will tell ten more lies to cover it up,
And for ten lies, he needs one hundred more lies – that is foolishness;
So let him learn that truth is golden, more precious than wealth and riches,
Knowledge, wisdom and fame are the rewards earned by truthful people.

4. In school, let him love and respect his classmates and fight to protect the weaker ones,
Allow him to taste bitter and sweet things; and to combine laughter and suffering;
That way you will have prepared him to deal with wicked and honest human beings,
Thereby teaching him to differentiate good from evil and to do good all his life.

5. Teach him that lying, cheating and stealing produce criminals and rogues,
Teach him that a kobo earned is better than a hundred won by lottery;
It’s better to go hungry than enjoy a meal prepared with stolen money,
Or eat crumbs of bread among finest friends than a whole loaf among dishonest men.

6. Teach him that a passage studied, understood and memorised,
Is far better than one simply crammed and repeated like a parrot;
The former leads to ingenuity, resourcefulness and creativity,
The latter to imitative behaviour, sloth and lack of self-confidence;
Teach him that it’s more honourable to fail an examination,
Than to copy, cheat or use “expo” methods to pass any examination.

7. Finally teach him that it is better to be neither too poor nor too rich,
Than to become wealthy by stealing, deceit and cutting corners;
The former leads to contentment, peace of mind and long life,
The latter to arrogance, greed, restlessness and sudden death;
Explain to him what “Honesty is the best policy” really means,
And the practical implications of the saying: “More haste, less speed”.
Be assured of his/my eternal gratitude if you succeed in this noble task.

You’ll have to believe and practise these yourself,
Before you can teach them to my son and his mates;
But be assured that if you succeed in this assignment,
You will be a hero and the father of heroes and heroines;
And that’s what our dear country needs most.
May God guide your endeavours!

Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D. Sc.,
Consultant Clinical Psychologist/Existential Family Therapist
*My 53rd Birthday Gift to all Educationists, Inspired by Abraham Lincoln’s letter,
Gestation Period: 1997-2001*


Nuggets of Wisdom for the Unification of all Belief Systems.

1.    I am of age; therefore, I affirm that I exist!  I am “ME”, you are “YOU” and we are “US”. I affirm that I am a Created Being living in the present, hoping to come to an end as other creatures I have observed, do come to a definitive end.

2.    I, therefore, know that all finite creatures obey some natural laws that govern existence.  I affirm that these laws are also eternal and like every other law, must have a Giver.  I deduce, therefore, that there are commensurate sanctions for any deliberate violation of these laws.
3.    When I observe the heavens and landscapes, hills and valleys, rivers and oceans, sunrise and sunset, equinoxes and eclipses, I am certain that this Eternal Law-giver is Great and Powerful in all respects and possesses Superhuman Intelligence, Power and Control over all of us?
4.    When I inspect living and non-living beings, their beauty and variety, their numbers and their sizes, especially their modes of survival in varying environments, and particularly their ability to reproduce their kinds, I confess that this Eternal Law-giver must be Beautiful, Loving and All-Creative.

5.    I respect “IT” in all “ITS” creations while admiring in particular those that move about.  For I do realise that I share the traits they have; we all have the same basic structures, we survive by performing similar functions, have similar feelings and produce comparable results. I cannot but bow in reverence and worship this Almighty Being, the Eternal Law-Giver who sustains everything on this planet.

6.    This Almighty Being set all things in motion. “IT” directs their courses and life spans, keeps them in space and time, now and always.  And because there are no accidents in nature when “IT’S” laws are strictly adhered to, I attest to the fact that “IT” is the greatest GOOD; All-knowing, All-caring and Ever Present Being.
7.    To “IT” be all my respect, obedience and loyalty, as I extend my hands of love and brotherhood to all Human Beings, co-heirs and offspring of this Almighty Creator and Father of all. Therefore, my creed concisely is this:

Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D. Sc.,
My 50th Birthday gift to Mankind. Composed, Revised and Ratified between 1970-1998
There is longer version. This is the abridged version for the ‘Homo faber’ that saves time.


My eternal creator and lord of the universe, I know that you exist,
I observe that you made all beings interdependent, we need each other,
Therefore, increase my loyalty and dependence on your benevolence.
I love you as the Father of all that exists; I want to love other beings,
As well as I love myself; permit me to truly achieve this increasingly!
I worship you as my first beginning; I wish to do this as long as I live.
I acknowledge your constant sustenance and care for me and all that is.
Guide me by your divine wisdom; correct me with your eternal justice,
Comfort me with your mercy and protect me with your limitless power,
So that I may obey all the laws, you put in creation for our own good!
I have a princely heritage in that I function at three levels of operations,
In that tripartite functionality of thought, word and action, I am like you.
Grant me a large heart and mind to understand the universal knowledge
That all humankind are blood relatives and co-heirs of this your ability,
Therefore, we all are brothers and sisters, children of the same Father!

There is a longer version. Get the unabridged and comprehensive versions of all of them by sending us e-mails or by dialling our numbers. You can visit; for more details.


Double-faced Christians and Muslims now abound everywhere; they worship Satan at night and come to worship with honest children of the Almighty Creator in daylight. This lifestyle has eroded the credentials of our forebears! There is now, an urgent need to redeem our children from these nefarious practices! We must revert to the legacies of our renowned grandfathers, improve on it and bequeath the next generation a better religious legacy than we had!

If you are concerned that our children need fresh religious air that suits this global village and that posterity deserves a better lifestyle devoid of wearing masks of deceit, pretences, subterfuges, ‘holier-than-thou’ attitudes, then join us in the sanitation exercise. Your offspring will remain for ever grateful that a select group of enlightened ‘Homo sapiens sapientis’ took the bull by the horns to avert the perilous moral decadence that is steadily turning all of us into unabashed hypocrites, unrepentant fanatics and deluded mystics. You are welcome! 

Send an e-mail to:

Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D. Sc. a.k.a   Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue,
 E-mail: and respectively
Or simply dial any of these numbers: 0803-9097614, 0805-1764999 or 0809-6765365. 


Our world has been bastardised by centuries of demagogues propounding dogmatic religions that brainwashed generations before ours with demonic doctrines that hoodwinked many semi-literates into sheepishly doing things that ordinarily an educated rational being would abhor and vomit out as toxic wastes!

However, humanity had lived under bondage and borne the degradation of humans due to the fear of the AFTERLIFE negative concepts painted by the very imperialists that proposed that anyone who deviated WOULD END UP IN HELLFIRE.

Hello, it is a brand new day! Good Morning, Citizens of the Global Village! From now on, there will never be ANY FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN AGAIN! Modern discoveries in science has proven that all doctrines and dogmas were propagated by imperialists that wanted to dominate the citizens of their generations.

This is just the beginning of the Therapeutic Sessions for the Youths of our Global Village who wish to liberate their peers and themselves from centuries of dogmas and doctrines.

You are free to write me and also disprove whatever you have read, provided you obey the lwas of classical logic and the square of opposition to the letter.


Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D.Sc.
The Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Creator of the Entire Universe.



    1. Funny how a $20.00 bill looks so big when
    you take it to church, but so small when you
    take it to the mall.
    2. Funny how big an hour serving God looks and
    how small 60 minutes are when spent
    watching television, playing sports, sleeping
    or taking a lunch break.
    3. Funny how long a couple of hours spent at
    church are but how short they are when
    watching a good movie.
    4. Funny how we get thrilled when a football
    game goes into overtime, but we complain
    when a sermon is longer than the regular
    5. Funny how laborious it is to read a chapter in
    the Bible and how easy it is to read 200-300
    pages of a best selling novel.
    6. Funny how we believe what newspapers say,
    but question what the Bible says.
    7. Funny how people scramble to get a front
    seat at a concert, but scramble to get a
    back seat at the church service.
    8. Funny how we cannot fit a gospel meeting
    into our schedule with our yearly planner but
    we can schedule for other events at a
    moment's notice.
    9. Funny how we look forward to that big date
    on Friday night, but complain about getting
    up for church on Sunday morning.
    10. Funny how we are rarely late to work, but
    always late to church.
    11. Funny how we call God our Father and Jesus
    our brother, but find it hard to introduce
    them to our family.
    12. Funny how small our sins seem, but how big
    their sins are.
    13. Funny how we demand justice for others, but
    expect mercy from God.
    14. Funny how much difficulty some have learning
    the gospel well enough to tell others, but
    how simple it is to understand and explain the
    latest gossip about someone else.
    15. Funny how we can't think of anything to say
    when we pray, but don't have any difficulty
    thinking of things to talk about to a friend.
    16. Funny how we are so quick to take directions
    from a total stranger when we are lost, but
    are hesitant to take God's direction for our
    17. Funny how so many church goers sing "Standing on the
    promises" but all they do is sit on the premises.
    18. Funny how people want God to answer their
    prayers, but refuse to listen to His counsel.
    19. Funny how we sing about heaven, but live
    only for today.
    20. Funny how people think they are going to
    Heaven but don't think there is a Hell.
    21. Funny how it is okay to blame God for evil
    and suffering in the world, but it is not
    necessary to thank Him for what is good and
    22. Funny how when something goes wrong, we
    cry, "Lord, why me?" but when something
    goes right, we think, "Hey, it must be me!"---from God Vine Unknown Author
  2. Make time for the Almighty Creator God in your short span of life.
    It is as simple as A B C when we come to him like innocent babies,
    Who always obey all His natural laws all through their infant years
    By surviving simply on His fresh oxygen, breast milk and full sleep;
    Dr Jude Jideofo Kenez argues that is possible since there is only:
    • One created universe, of which we all share its amenities,
    • One earth, on which we all stand, walk about, plant on, harvest from,
    . Bury our dead, build our physical structures, and depend on for our food,
    • One atmospheric air that all living things breathe from to live,
    • One rainfall that provides the water for all plants and animals,
    • One sun and a moon that illuminate the world day and night,
    • One anatomy and physiology that ensures our survival or death,
    • He is responsible for all we can think, say, hear, feel and see!
    . He deserves our eternal gratitude, obedience and loyalty as heirs.
    . A discovery of all the natural and eternal laws in creation and full obedience to all of them is the lifestyle that guides the true sons and daughters of the Almighty Creator of the universe who we now designate as genuine crusaders for global spiritual reorientation for a lasting world peace for our global village!


    Dr. Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue
    a.k.a. Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, D.Sc.
    The Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit
    of the Almighty Creator of the Universe



    I have humbly stated what I was inspired to write to benefit rational beings that deserve to approach the Almighty Creator as bona-fide creations of His universe. We were neither consulted nor were there when He made all of us; however we are all heirs to the mutual benefits derivable by utilising his gifts maximally devoid of racism and religious bigotry.

    Here is the genesis of the call which I received as early as 1981 after the Guyana Mass suicide of Rev. Jones and his followers. I wrote a magazine article on the event and followed it up with a comprehensive analysis of remote and immediate causes of religious psychopathology for my Ph.D. dissertation, which I entitled; THE PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF RELIGIOUS FANATICISM, but it did not impress my supervisors. They rejected it on the lame excuse that the psychological test I was developing to evaluate subjects for the research work was lengthy and could alone constitute a major research proposal I could never finish in three years! They were right! They were my revered Consultants and Professors in Psychological Medicine. I acquiesced and subsequently went ahead to re-write my proposal and so ended up writing a belated dissertation that they watered down to; PERSONALITY ADJUSTMENT AND RELIGION. Over the years, I have written over fifty-five articles on how the whole world could adopt one mode of worship of the Creator and save humanity from the religious bigotry, ethnic cleansing, wars and homicide associated with crusades and jihads. For, as far I was concerned, we are of the same anatomy/physiology, we reproduce in the same manner having same blood chemistry and die in similar circumstances. Therefore, inter-religious genocides were and will remain fratricidal campaigns led by fanatical, mystical or demented leaders with misconceived religious military campaigns as the panacea for the unification of faith. I have a better option, so that is why I have introduced you to its foundation clauses of I.S.M. a.k.a. Kenezianism, which is this;


  2. “A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this”. He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air. "Well," he replied, "what if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air. "My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled and grounded into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value in God's eyes. To Him, dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to Him.” That is ISM or KENEZIANISM in practice!
    I hope you cherish these words of wisdom of an Unknown Author!
    You are welcome to “Let us reason together” as Isaiah, the prophet invited his kinsmen many centuries ago or sit on the fence and die unenlightened by genuine Aristotelian-Kantian combine of deductive and inductive logic, aided by current fund of science knowledge and enquiry to unravel the fables and legends that are now labelled as theology! There is nothing theological about an accumulation of guesswork done by primitive men! They are simply a collection of puerile belief in man-made doctrines, dogmas and rituals that is steadily pushing the humane race to annihilation. Here, I rest my objective of penning this protracted but comprehensive diatribe. Call it heresy, if you like. I do not care a dime. Truth is supreme! Truth is Life, my people declare!

    Rev. Prof. Jideofo J. Kenez, D. Sc.,
    Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Creator of the Universe.
    E-mail:, Phone: 08039097614 or 08051764999
