i We now come to the basics of nature study. Have you ever observed soldier ants on the march? It will definitely be difficult for those of us who did not grow up in a rural community or in a farm! For such persons, their elementary biology textbooks will suffice. All they need do is revise what they learnt in secondary school about social insects or look up that title in an encyclopaedia or browse the Internet.
ii. In either case, what they will learn is that these small insects are so well organised that it is a wonder why we, the so-called ‘Homo sapiens sapientes’ are so disorganised. Why do we need the police force to beat us into line, whereas these minute insects do not step out of line nor try to do another insect’s duty?
iii. They have specialists for any and every problem they group will ever encounter while they are on any march. Pity yourself, if you interrupt their movement. By the time they swarm around you and sink their jaws into your exposed skin area, you will feel so much pain that next time you will not only fear to cross their path, but you will dread and avoid any other insects that resemble them! Why?
iv. These little creatures have soldier ants with larger mandibles specialised for aggressive actions against any intruder and their duty it is to fight and protect the group. And their job ends there. They do not interfere in other duties like reproductive activities or in feeding the younger ones in the group. We have copied that much, but do our own soldiers mind their duty only?
v. There, is an important lesson for us humans to learn! A little common sense is all that we need to learn only one trade, specialise in it, be proud of it and not interfere in other people’s professions! But this rarely happens in the social organisation of mankind, yet we claim to be ‘the lord of the material universe’.
vi. Or shall we take lectures from another university? This time, from honeybees? Read all you can about this other social insect that even has a language communicated by a dance ritual. It is wonderful how minute beings out-class us in organising their little worlds. They eschew in- fighting. Rather they co-operate so well that their hives are always peaceful until man, the selfish scavenger intrudes to harvest where he never sowed, namely their honey that we steal in order to please our tongues!
vii. Again, they are so specialised that only one queen and a king may be found in each community at a time. Unlike what obtains in our human world, where we fight to establish supremacy! How many kings, queens, presidents, chairmen/women and traditional or religious rulers do we have? Are we ready to serve, take orders and obey even our own constitutions? Yet we pride ourselves as ‘Homo sapiens’!
viii. Visit web sites and learn how the honeybee communicates to the members of the hive that it has found nectar, either nearby or faraway. It is amazing, especially when one realises that they never learn these things. They are born with the peculiar knowledge of the waggle or straight dance. Scientists call this ‘species-specific’ behaviour, thereby indicating that they are born with the information stored in their memory and they must willy-nilly manifest them at the appropriate developmental stages of their lifecycles.
ix. The inquisitive minds will at once want to find out whether human infants have anything that resembles this. The answer is an affirmative YES! So the next natural question that follows is what happened to the human infant. You want an answer? Are you really that inquisitive or you want to behave like your species of proud apes?
x. You will have to wait till we have received tutorials from another university of nature, the termite colony! You must do yourself this favor. Don’t believe me, nor trust the information you surf from the Internet. Go out there, into the fields and have a firsthand experience of these data that biologists have spent years documenting so as to spoon-feed our infants at schools. That may also explain to you how and why human beings, are the laziest and craziest veterbrates in existence.
xi. The termites are the greatest engineers in the universe! That you doubt me fades into insignificance when you compare their anthill, structure weight for weight with their bodies. Our skyscrapers are nothing wonderful if we recognise that these minute ants don’t use mechanical machines to assist them in the construction work, nor do they use building plans scaled and drafted by architects!
xii. Again, what happens inside the termite palace is another natural wonder! The social organisation, though absurdly hierarchical, commands our respect! There is specialisation, not only in body structures, but also in the roles and duties each ant plays for the mutual benefit of the community.
xiii. That, precisely, is the point I am trying to emphasise. We, humans need to send our politicians to these anthill universities scattered all over the globe, to learn public administration! For as long as we allow mediocres to manage the affairs of any nation all in the name of political patronage, for so long shall the masses bear the brunt of their bungling of the administrative apparatus of the state.
xiv. It does no one good to function as a Minister of Health with credentials in engineering or even business administration! I am sorry for developing countries that waste their little resources by so doing. My opinion is that they must learn to put square pegs in square holes and round ones in round holes! They need these tutorials from termites, honeybees and soldier ants!
xv. My dear reader, are you following my trend of meditation? What of in our individual homes, kindreds and villages? Should fathers, mothers and children not take notes of lessons from these insects? My emphatic answer is a capital YES! What a mess is made of family life and peace by parents who throw their weight all round the place, all in the name of stamping their authority and exacting immediate obedience from everyone around!
xvi. Let’s quote an example to illustrate my point; “Apart from the ‘reproductives’, all castes are sterile, wingless and have whitish bodies. Typically, the workers constitute the most numerous castes and are the smallest of the adult forms. Workers build and provision the nest, tend the eggs, and feed and groom all the other inmates of the community.”
xvii. “All species have soldiers with greatly enlarged heads. The soldiers of certain species are equipped with huge jaws for defence of the colony; in some species, the soldiers have long snouts, from which they eject a sticky, poisonous substance to envelop an enemy and render it helpless.”
xviii. Do you see what I mean? They owe their efficiency to dedication to duty despite the fact that they do not enjoy the basic rights of all other animals, namely the joy of sexual intercourse. May be I should have said ‘mainly because they do not indulge in the time-consuming and diversionary sexual copulation’ that is the genesis of distraction and depravity in the human species. Do you get my gist?
xix. The rivalry and competition to attract and please the opposite sex is the bane of all in-fighting animals on earth, be it in higher or lower creatures, the unicellular or multicellular forms of all animate beings. In olden days and in some cultures to date man-made eunuchs exist and perform their duties more religiously than our so-called priests and nuns!
xx. The radical position being canvassed for by this writer for a wiser society is this: ‘It is time for selective social engineering, genetically programmed selection and specialisation of men and women!’Reproductive activities must be controlled to reduce defective babies as well as the over -production of a generation of human beings with a very high load of defective genes!
You may scream ‘Tufia-kwa!’ or curse me in any other dialect or language meaning ‘God forbid this!’ But only time will tell whether this recommendation is completely anathema! For now, most religions of the Far East and the Catholic Church do not think I am crazy!
These verses or stanzas were guided by the Holy Spirit of the Creator over a period of at least twenty five years of post-doctoral research in theosophy, ethics and psychology. A ten-year sabbatical from routine religious participation was needed to piece all of them together. You can improve on it. Please send us your modifications so we can let others critique it for the benefit of humanity.
Use our e-mail addresses; or post yor reactions as comments to either;
I have humbly stated what I was inspired to write to benefit rational beings that deserve to approach the Almighty Creator as bona-fide creations of His universe. We were neither consulted nor were there when He made all of us; however we are all heirs to the mutual benefits derivable by utilising his gifts maximally devoid of racism and religious bigotry.
Here is the genesis of the call which I received as early as 1981 after the Guyana Mass suicide of Rev. Jones and his followers. I wrote a magazine article on the event and followed it up with a comprehensive analysis of remote and immediate causes of religious psychopathology for my Ph.D. dissertation, which I entitled; THE PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF RELIGIOUS FANATICISM, but it did not impress my supervisors. They rejected it on the lame excuse that the psychological test I was developing to evaluate subjects for the research work was lengthy and could alone constitute a major research proposal I could never finish in three years! They were right! They were my revered Consultants and Professors in Psychological Medicine. I acquiesced and subsequently went ahead to re-write my proposal and so ended up writing a belated dissertation that they watered down to; PERSONALITY ADJUSTMENT AND RELIGION. Over the years, I have written over fifty-five articles on how the whole world could adopt one mode of worship of the Creator and save humanity from the religious bigotry, ethnic cleansing, wars and homicide associated with crusades and jihads. For, as far I was concerned, we are of the same anatomy/physiology, we reproduce in the same manner having same blood chemistry and die in similar circumstances. Therefore, inter-religious genocides were and will remain fratricidal campaigns led by fanatical, mystical or demented leaders with misconceived religious military campaigns as the panacea for the unification of faith. I have a better option, so that is why I have introduced you to its foundation clauses of I.S.M. a.k.a. Kenezianism, which is this;
“A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this”. He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air. "Well," he replied, "what if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air. "My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled and grounded into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value in God's eyes. To Him, dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to Him.” That is ISM or KENEZIANISM in practice!
I hope you cherish these words of wisdom of an Unknown Author!
You are welcome to “Let us reason together” as Isaiah, the prophet invited his kinsmen many centuries ago or sit on the fence and die unenlightened by genuine Aristotelian-Kantian combine of deductive and inductive logic, aided by current fund of science knowledge and enquiry to unravel the fables and legends that are now labelled as theology! There is nothing theological about an accumulation of guesswork done by primitive men! They are simply a collection of puerile belief in man-made doctrines, dogmas and rituals that is steadily pushing the humane race to annihilation. Here, I rest my objective of penning this protracted but comprehensive diatribe. Call it heresy, if you like. I do not care a dime. Truth is supreme! Truth is Life, my people declare!
Rev. Prof. Jideofo J. Kenez, D. Sc.,
Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Creator of the Universe.
E-mail:, Phone: 08039097614 or 08051764999 or 08104414689
General Introduction
The theory and practice of Kenezianism started in 1970, at the end of the civil war when its originator Major Kenechukwu Nzeogwu Mbaezue; BA/6532, of the Degema Strike Force, 12th Commando Brigade, Biafra, returned from the war front with multiple injuries and artillery shock! He felt shattered by the outcome of the fratricidal debacle of three years that abruptly postponed his post-secondary education at C.K.C. Onitsha.

The Nigerian civil war started in 1967 when Nigeria’s Eastern Region, due to excessive pogroms unleashed on the Igbos in the north seceded and proclaimed itself the Republic of Biafra. Here, this author as a youth of nineteen years participated in the defence of Oguta, converted to a river port and used to import medical necessities as blockades by land, sea and air became a weapon of war by the Nigerian government. Starvation, hunger and disease; malnutrition, kwashiorkor, marasmus and hepatitis took their toll on children, refugees and soldiers on the Biafran side before it eventually capitulated. The brave leaders of the dislocated Biafran forces then surrendered to the Nigerian armed forces in January 1970. Photo by; Hulton Deutsch/Corbis & © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
“Why did we lose the war of survival? Should Nigeria the aggressor defeat us the victims of their cruel and premeditated pogroms? Of what use were the prayers to a god that never answered us? Or did our leaders commit unpardonable war crimes or indulge in sacrilegious absurdities? Is the Muslim religion more authentic and reliable than Christianity? If yes, then let us join them and go on pilgrimages to Mecca!”
Finding answers to these existential questions drove the young war veteran crazy. He could not comprehend how an unjust war ended in favour of the aggressors. For him it meant that we wasted all our time and youthfulness in the war fronts praying to the God of Christians! He truly deserved veritable explanations!He withdrew from all religious engagement for a period of ten consecutive years, from 1970 to 1980. That gave him enough time to reflect on some existential questions about all he had learnt from the Christian missionaries that moulded his early life in the junior and senior seminaries.

During the Nigerian civil war of 1967 to 1970, the Nigerian government imposed blockades around Biafra, effectively cutting off the secessionist state’s food supply. The resulting famine in Biafra was devastating, as upwards of one million people died of starvation. The swollen bellies and ankles of these Biafran children are symptoms of kwashiorkor, an extreme form of protein-energy malnutrition.
Culled from Archive Photos & Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
There arose the need for him to re-evaluate his belief system, moderate his scrupulous orientation to social life and thereafter, formulate a realistic code of conduct that could guarantee his survival in the conflicting world of the Nigerian society he found himself trapped in! He lived as a war captive for the next 30 years! Within this period, he fully practised the introverted meditative lifestyle of Viktor Frankl or that detached life of a research scientist reminiscent of the great Austrian monk geneticist, MacGregor Mendel.
He earned four university degrees that spanned a period of 15 years, with breaks here and there to assist his eight younger brothers and sisters, siblings of the same humble family of a school teacher/catechist! To achieve this, he again joined the armed forces of the nation he lived as an exile, the fallout of which was that he neatly sandwiched a military diploma, pjsc, from the Nigerian Air Force in between the four degrees!
A bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, sponsored by the Catholic missionaries in1970, then another bachelor’s degree in Psychology, self-sponsored and partly aided by a Federal Government Loans Bursary award in 1975. This loan was later paid in full after his NYSC, which he served at the Department of Psychiatry, University College Hospital, Ibadan and Lambo’s Aro-Village System, Abeokuta from 1975- 1976! This was followed by the three-year stint as an Air Force Medical Officer,NAF 759. Upon winning the Anambra State Ph.D. Scholarship Award in 1977 he resigned in 1979 and later earned a Masters in Clinical Psychology, from the School of Medicine, University of Benin, in 1982. He rounded his training with a Doctor of Science degree in Research Psychometrics, earned by innovative researches in personality evaluation, organisational psychology and family counselling in 1993! This doctorate degree qualified him to join the prestigious African College of Research Scientists, Addis Ababa Campus, of which he is now, a Fellow! A rare feat of academic achievement for anyone to obtain through self-reliance, ingenuity and resourcefulness!
For the next phase of his research/academic life he combined family roles and clinical duties, churning out psychological tests for guidance/career counselling, personality evaluation and marriage/family counselling. In the interim he got married and to date has two boys and a girl, who became the well-deserved consolation for his long years of ambivalence! Today he is a retired Flight Lieutenant in private clinical practice as a HUMANISTIC-EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPIST. He still does extensive research in Family Counselling, Existential Family Therapy and Community Medicine. His published psychological tests and books exceed fifteen, as at the last count. He is a respected authority in Psychometrics, a Member of the National Association of Clinical Psychologists and the Founder/Animator of three world-wide NGOs;
i. KENEZ HEALTH KLINIK, an Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Organisation for Family Health,
ii. HAPPY FAMILY NETWORK an Inter-ethnic CBO for grooming healthy & successful families,
iii. INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT, a Spiritual Fellowship for Modern Scientists!
Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D.Sc.
A.k.a. Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez, the Animator of I. S. M.
Written and up-dated under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of the
Almighty Creator of us all over a period of thirty-five years!
The greatest contribution he has made so far seems to be in the area of family counselling and existential therapy where he has developed, constructed, validated and standardised more than thirteen psychological tests for school career guidance, pre-marital counselling and crises intervention in families that need help! In addition, he has written nine books covering such areas of knowledge as: social ethics, theosophy, cosmology, social and community medicine. The manuscripts of these inspirational works are, in the real sense of the phrase, begging for funds to print them.
Can anyone publish these books so that others may benefit from the information stashed away in them? His religious involvement in early life became an asset as this book in moral ethics has turned out to be the best outcome of his contemplative lifestyle. Below are some of the verses he wrote that kept him mentally alive and hopeful that his children would have a better future! You may benefit from reading and practising some of them in your daily living! There are existential truths rather than theological jargons! Establishment of Universal Truths and control of one’s tongue and selfless service summarises ISM.
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